  • 學位論文


The Studies of Nano Hydroxyapatite for Teeth Remineralization.

指導教授 : 楊重光


本研究以奈米級氫氧基磷灰石(Nano HA)添加不同比例聚麩胺酸(γ-PGA)配製之再礦化溶液,於受酸蝕之牙釉質(Enamel)表面進行修復及再礦化之研究。並利用實驗設計法(DOE)搭配變異數分析(ANOVA)進行實驗規劃及探討其差異性,主要分析因子有Nano HA、γ-PGA及β-TCP的添加比例、混合方式和再礦化溶液於牙齒表面不同浸泡時間。並藉由DLS、HV、FTIR、AFM及FE-SEM等相關儀器驗證,主要觀察再礦化溶液是否於牙釉質表面進行沉積達到填補修復的作用,並分析再礦化溶液各種不同性質是否會影響礦化的程度。由結果得知,再礦化溶液中Nano HA平均粒徑大小與分佈約在300 nm以下。從AFM分析中量測牙齒初始狀態(Sound)表面粗糙度為9.01 ± 1.36nm,經酸蝕(Etched)後粗糙度增加至44.32 ± 4.90 nm,浸泡不同的時間後粗糙度由39.14 ± 2.11nm回復至29.41±0.36nm。FTIR觀察得知溶液浸泡時間的增加,磷酸根(PO43-)有明顯增強的趨勢。且在牙齒再礦化率的表現上,以實驗組別NO.10 (5%γ-PGA 0.5gNano HA)其中γ-PGA在5wt%情況下酸鹼pH=2.1,有助於Nano HA微溶解釋放出鈣離子及磷酸根離子,增加牙齒表面鈣離子及磷酸根離子之濃度。因此再礦化率可達到30.1±5.5%為最佳實驗效果。明顯高於市售牙膏GC Mousse的10.81±1.13%,再礦化率可達2倍之多。最後由類神經網路(Neural Network)預測最佳化的配比參數,確實可達到所有組數中最高的30.50%的再礦化率,更能確認實驗設計法規劃的準確性。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the remineralization effect of nano HA/γ-PGA solution onthe surface etched enamel. Partical size of the remineralization solution was determined byDynamic Light Scattering (DLS).Microhardnessmeasurements were used to analyzethe remineralization ratio before and after the treatments of the teeth.The highest remineralization ratio is found to be 30.1±5.5% in the 10 minutes immersed time. To examine these enamel surfaces, the peak intensity of the PO43- increased with soaking time by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).This proved that the remineralization solutions mayrepair the enamel surface of teeth erosion. The roughnesses of the sample were determined by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). After the addition of the remineralization solutions, the roughnesses changed from 39.14 ± 2.11nm to 29.41±0.36nm. The 5g of Nano HA and 0.263g 5% γ-PGA in the remineralization solutions provided a better result of the remineralization repair for the enamel surface of teeth erosion. In addition, design of experiment (DOE) andanalysis of variance(ANOVA)are applied to analyze the significance of the control factors.The ratio of Nano HA and γ-PGA, mixing method, and the different immersed time with the remineralization solutions in the surface of teeth would be analyzed.


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