  • 學位論文


The Application of Earthquake Loss Estimation System on the Early Seismic Damage Evaluation and Response Decision-Making

指導教授 : 施邦築


在大地震初期,由於地區行政部門本身的受害及通訊、交通系統的中斷,災情難以有效查報、通報,在災情不明下,中央及縣市災害應變中心難以做出適當的救援派遣及應變決策。因此藉由國家地震工程研究中心所開發之「台灣地震損失評估系統」,於地震發生初期迅速地執行震災損失之早期推估,以適時提供災損推估予中央及縣市災害應變中心,俾能有助於救災人力與資源的妥善配置,爭取救災之黃金時間。 本研究首先回顧檢討在921集集大地震,中央及南投縣政府面對大規模地震應變救災之運作過程,分析中央、縣市政府災害應變中心在地震初期救災應變之策略及作業程序,並利用台灣地震損失評估系統,建立大規模地震災變時程與應變決策之關係,以提出大規模地震中央、縣市政府初期應變之作業程序及地震初期應變決策,提供中央及地方政府在擬定實際執行地震初期災害之緊急應變策略,使中央及地方政府於大規模地震災害來臨時,有完善之災害搶救整備措施,降低地震災害損失,保障人民生命財產。


Right after a major earthquake occurred, the damage and loss information was not clear due to the impaired local administrative agencies and interruption of communication and transportation system. Under the unclear situation, it was difficult for emergency response center to dispatch the rescue force adequately. Therefore, by applying the Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System (TELES) developed by National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), the damage estimation at early stage of a major earthquake event can be carried out. The results are provided to the Emergency Response Center of central and local governments so that the resources of rescue can thus be allocated properly. This study will first review the emergency response experience of central and Nantou County governments during the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake, and analyze their strategy and procedure. This study will also establish the operation procedure guidelines of emergency response centers to apply TELES as a decision-making supporting tool. This research will provide a principle procedure for central and local government to carry out their emergency rescue operations. The overall goal is to equip the government with proper training and preparedness so that when major earthquakes come, the resulting loss could be minimized and human lives saved.


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[3] Petak,William J.(1985), “Emergency Management:A Challenge for Public Administration”, PublicAdministration Review, Volume 45(Jan), pp. 3-7.


