  • 學位論文


Study on LQR and H∞ Controllers in Active Suspension Systems.

指導教授 : 蕭名宏


隨著車輛科技之發展,有許多針對車輛懸吊系統的論文發表,其中大部分都是針對四分之一車體懸吊來進行研究,因為其結構較簡單且易於分析 。 懸吊系統設置的目的在於增加行駛時的舒適度和操控性。本文針對一般汽車行駛於路面之情況,首先以牛頓第二運動定律分析1/4車懸吊系統之模型,求得系統之狀態方程式,再由此狀態方程式去設計主動式懸吊系統,在此,吾人所選用的控制策略為LQR和"H" _∞控制理論。求出兩控制器後對兩者作頻域分析,繪出波德圖,並比較一般被動式懸吊與本文之主動式懸吊行駛時的舒適度和操控車輛的安全性,且由模擬證明兩個主動式懸吊都明顯優於被動式懸吊系統。 接著再對兩主動式懸吊系統進行比較,經由模擬觀察兩者在頻域響應時的特性,以及在吾人所設定的同速度、不同路面所表現出的時間響應,和車輛狀態改變時的強健性能,來判斷所設計出的兩種控制器之優劣。


Depending on the development of Vehicle Technology, there were many papers of car suspension systems published, and most of them studied on quarter-car suspensions, because it was simple and easy to analysis. The aim of the car suspension system is to improve riding quality and increase handling stability. First, we use the Newton’s Second Law to model quarter- car suspension system, and get the state-space equations. Then use the state –space equations to design two controllers for quarter car suspension systems, and the control strategy is based on LQR and H_∞ control theorem. We can find LQR and H_∞ controllers and plot bode diagrams to analysis the frequency response. The controllers and suspension systems are simulated to proof the active suspension systems, which we design, have the better performance than passive suspension system in time domain. Finally, the robustness performance of the H_∞ controller is compared with the LQR controller.


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