  • 學位論文


A Study on the Living Space for the Deferring Lower Limbs Mobility-Degraded Elders

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠
共同指導教授 : 彭光輝


下肢行動力的退化是導致高齡者失去行動能力的主要因素,因此下肢行動力的評估也常是高齡者健康情況的一個重要指標。因應高齡者身心機能退化的需求,如何塑造一個「安全、安心、安定」的居家環境是一個重要的研究議題。目前高齡者住宅皆以無障礙設計或通用設計為導向,但上述兩種設計是將高齡者視為即將喪失下肢行動力的狀態而設計,對於延緩下肢行動力退化並無實質的幫助。因此,本論文提出如何讓下肢行動力退化初期的高齡者能利用其存餘的體能達到延緩行動力退化,並且在障礙期能自立生活的居住型態。 本研究以「誘導式結構理論」為操作方法,並設定「行動力退化初期至礙期的高齡者」為研究對象。經由文獻探討目前既有高齡者住宅空間設計手法,結合居家安全、自立生活的高齡者住宅設計等相關議題,歸納並提出對應空間設計的彈性變化、可變性、漸進式、替代性等13項設計的原則。冀能達到延緩行動力退化的居住空間,以供未來高齡者住宅改善之參考與建議。


Lower limb mobility degradation is a major factor leading to the activity loss of the elderly. The assessment of lower limb mobility is usually an important indication of the elderly’s health. Thus, it becomes a research topic to design a "safe, secure, and stable" living space according to the requirements of the physical and mental deterioration of elders. Nowadays, most of the housing design for the elderly is based on the barrier-free design or the universal design. However, these two designs regard the elderly as the upcoming loss of lower limb mobility, and their designs cannot assist elders to defer their lower limbs mobility-degradation. Therefore, this thesis proposes the design principle for the initial lower limbs mobility-degraded elders so that they can use their remaining physical strength to achieve slow mobility degradation, and be able to maintain self-reliance living conditions during their obstacle life-periods. In this thesis, the research method is based on the theory of the heuristic structure, and the research object is confined to the elderly during their early period of the mobility degradation. Based on the literature review from the currently existing elderly housing space and design techniques, and combined with home security, self-reliance living, and other related issues for elderly living space design, this thesis summarizes and proposes 13 design principles for the living space design with flexibility, variability, progressive, alternative designs. Hopefully, the proposal can assist the elderly to defer the mobility degradation, and also to provide suggestions for the elderly housing improvement in the future.


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