  • 學位論文


A Study of Impacts of Local Development : A Case Study of Kinmen Bridge

指導教授 : 林祐正


經近二十年的金門地方居民期待,以及主辦單位國工局修改招標條件和工程內容後重新辦理第二次招標,金門大橋工程終於102年5月21日舉行重新開工典禮。金門大橋西起烈嶼后頭地區、東迄於金寧鄉湖下地區,路線全長約五點四公里。本研究主要依據地方政府建設政策與觀光產業發展策略,對於目前興建中之金門大橋在觀光、交通、生活方式之影響作探討與分析。希望從橋樑除交通運輸功能外並以觀光建設標地、影響居民生活角度切入,經由金門在地居民的觀感與看法、工程專業人員、交通旅遊事務人員等特定對象訪談,進而針對觀光、交通、生活方式等影響作綜合分析與討論,提出研究結論與建議,藉以瞭解金門大橋興建對於金門在觀光、交通、生活方式三方面影響之探討。 研究發現金門在現有的觀光立縣政策下,未來利用金門大橋建設為觀光景點多數受訪談者是持肯定的,對於當地的觀光發展也有正面影響,在地居民對於橋樑交通運輸功能外也十分認同,並期待未來完工通車使用規劃時,也能在保留成為金門地標精神的前提下,多一些互動、體驗式的活動,以增加吸引力。


With the expectation of Kinmen residents lasting for over 20 years, the construction project of Kinmen Bridge restarted on May 2013. The length of Kinmen Bridge is 5.4 kilometers. Those interviews include local residents, engineer professionals, and the staff working transportation and tourism departments. The interview content includes viewpoints of three impacts. Three impacts include the sightseeing, transportation, and living impacts. The main objective of this study is to identify and analyize those impacts based on interview result regarding to development of Kinmen Bridge. According to the research result, most of the interviewees have a positive thinking regarding to Kinmen Bridge construction project for positive effect for local tourism development. The Kinmen Bridge doesn’t only greatly improve local’s development by the transportation function of the bridge, but also expect to provde the landmark of Kinmen for interactive, experiential activities. The results show that there are great impacts and contributions regarding to the development of Kinmen Bridge. Finally, conclusion and suggestion are summarized for further application and development.


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