  • 學位論文


The Effects of Brand Authenticity on Purchase Intention: A Case of Smartphone Brands

指導教授 : 林俊彥


雖然以前的研究已經發現消費者透過各種線索來搜尋品牌真實性,但是對於品牌真實性的衡量尚未有所共識。本研究從消費者的觀點,探討品牌真實性的衡量構面,並建構智慧型手機品牌真實性知覺、品牌信任、品牌態度與購買意願之關係模式。由於智慧型手機使用者較熱衷於網路使用,大學生經常在批踢踢論壇平台討論品牌議題,故本研究針對使用智慧型手機品牌的消費者,在2014年5月間,以自編量表,對批踢踢論壇的大學生進行線上調查。扣除無效問卷後,回收有效問卷375份。經由描述性統計分析、探索性因素分析、迴歸分析,以及徑路分析等,研究結論包括: (1)品牌真實性的衡量構面可分為獨特、坦誠、價值一致性與品質承諾;(2)品牌真實性、品牌信任、品牌態度對於購買意願具有預測;(3)品牌信任及品牌態度在品牌真實性與購買意願關係具有中介效果。本研究亦建議智慧型手機品牌業者應重視原創性、建立獨特風格,不欺騙顧客,不誇大不實,正派經營,持續追求品質,使消費者產生正向的品牌信任與品牌態度,以增加購買意願,建立品牌持續的競爭優勢。


Although previous research has branded that consumers attraction on a variety of cues in order to attribute authenticity to identify effects, no consensus scales exist to measure the construct of brand authenticity. This research, based on the concept of brand authenticity perceive, considers the impacts relationship of brand trust, brand attitude and purchase intention between smartphone brands and their customers to construct a model. This study utilized samples along with an on line questionnaire, which were filled out by consumers while browsing the site in Ptt Web (in Taiwan). The study population was the college students in Taiwan, which 375 effective questionnaires were collected. The descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, stepwise multiple regression analysis, and path analysis were used for data analysis. The Result of this study include: (1) four interrelated factors labeled including unique, candid, value consistency, and quality commitment that correspond with a higher order brand authenticity construct; (2) the brand authenticity perceive has direct impacted on the brand trust and the brand attitude; (3) the brand trust and the brand attitude were partial mediating impacted on brand authenticity perceive considers the impacts relationship of purchase intention. Moreover, it provides a scale by which business practices can evaluate the success of considered decisions designed to provide an authentic brand offering to consumers and create long-term competitive advantage


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