  • 學位論文


Development of License Plate Recognition Using Leon3 Embedded System

指導教授 : 宋國明


車牌辨識系統近年來應用已日漸多元化,而嵌入式系統在手機與平板電腦蓬勃發展下,效能已經提高到可以應用在小型停車場的處理。本篇論文使用與ARM系統晶片相同匯流排的Leon3系統晶片的矽智財,在Xilinx公司所製作的FPGA板上,運用Leon3所提供的編譯器來做影像處理,達到車牌辨識的效果。 考量系統晶片在FPGA開發平台的效能會受到限制。因此,本論文在影像處理部份,採用不需要大量運算的演算法。以車牌定位為例,其係運用垂直邊緣偵測來留下字元垂直部份,再利用影像下半部份干擾較少的部份,由下往上來尋找接近車牌大小的區塊,接著再利用水平掃描來找出每個字元的位置。而字元辨識部份,則利用垂直掃描和水平掃描來找出相對應的字元,再將每個字元自中間部份切割,以輔助字元的判斷。實際量測結果顯示,本論文所提出的演算法,其辨識率可達56%。


The applications have to get diversity in the field of license plate recognition for the past few years; and that the embedded systems are development in the field of mobile phones and tablet personal computer flourishly. The performances have been enhanced to be applied in a small parking area. In this thesis, the Leon3 system based on a chip Silicon Intellectual Property uses the same bus with ARM system on a chip which the Xilinx company is used the implement the FPGA board. The compiler, which is provided with Leon3, is applied to the image processing. The developed compiler will be used to complete the license plate recognition. Owing to the limitation on the performance of the FPGA platform, the image processing is considered without more complicate operation. A license plate fixed position is used to stay the character vertical segment to apply the vertical edge detection, and to perform with little interference by utilizing image. It bottom-up found block to close plate size. Notify that the middle block of character was ct to support the character judging. According to the simulation results, the recognition rate is roughly 56% with the provided algorithm.


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