  • 學位論文


The Energy Recovery System of the H.V.A.C for the Capsule Machine Room

指導教授 : 鍾清枝


本研究目的在硬膠囊製程節能空調設備之探討,其中主要的節能設備包括,盤管循環迴路及水對水殼管式熱交換器兩部份,第一部份有預冷、預熱盤管置於冰(滷)水管排的前後做能源的轉移;第二部份為冰(滷)水主機的廢熱經由殼管式熱交換器回收,再轉移至空調箱的再熱盤管放熱到供風系統。 在投資回收年限方面,「ASHRAE HANDBOOK」提出3~5年為合理的範圍,國內產業界一般認為2~3年,根據研究數據顯示,本研究所探討的節能方法,在目前的物價基礎上計算,有更短的回收年限即3個月內。相信本研究對企業主於節能運轉上很有幫助。 研究結果顯示對於其他行業全年性的恆溫恆濕空調系統,在供風露點溫度4℃以上時均可套用。產品的製造過程有穩定的除濕負載,於冬季運轉時,更可省去大量額外的再熱能源。


This research is focus at the energy recovery system of the H.V.A.C. for the capsule machine room. The main saving-energy equipment of this system has two segments: runaround loop and water-to-water shell & tube heat exchanger. The former one utilizes the method of energy transformation by placing pre-cooling and pre-heating coil front and behind the cooling coil. The latter one is for usage of the waste heat of the chiller unit recovery by shell & tube heat exchanger, and waste heat releasing to supply air system via reheating coil of air handling unit. About payback period, ASHRAE HANDBOOK mentiones that reasonable range of the period is 3~5 years, or authorized concerned 2~3 years among domestic enterprise. Due to our research data, The saving energy method our research supports has shorter payback period, which is no longer than 3 months, base on the current price index. This research would be helpful for entrepreneurs. The result of this reaserch shows It can be applied to any enterprise which needs an all-year-round constant temperature and humidity controlled air-condition system when the dew-point temperature of the supplied-air is above 4℃. If the process is a stable dehumidifying load, it can save a great sum of extra reheating energy when running in wintertime.


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