  • 學位論文


A Study on Expert System for Energy Saving of Retail Buildings

指導教授 : 李魁鵬


本論文之百貨類建築專家診斷系統是針對國內目前四大百貨類型建築作深入解析,其中所選取之實測樣本建築為便利商店類建築8棟,超級市場類建築5棟,百貨公司類建築5棟,量販店類建築7棟。且配合「醫療百貨類建築耗能總量調查之研究」所調查之樣本資料,其中便利商店類建築106棟,超級市場類建築63棟,百貨公司類建築32棟所構成,並利用DOE 2.2進行建築耗能動態解析程式,針對冷凍系統、空調系統、照明系統與其他設備對於建築整體耗能之影響性,進行模擬分析與實測研究,並將各類型建築之耗能因子與節能潛力,利用Excel VBA程式發展出百貨類建築節能診斷專家系統。 經實測結果發現,各類型百貨建築之照明密度偏高,經由專家診斷系統診斷結果之後,照明密度若改善至標準值20W/m2,便利商店照明耗能將可降低24﹪,百貨公司照明耗能將可降低33.4﹪,量販店照明耗能將可降低27.6﹪。在空調設備方面經由專家診斷系統診斷結果發現,便利商店將一般空調機更換為變頻式VRV空調機將可降低空調耗能69.9﹪,百貨公司空調採用VAV系統,全年總耗電約可下降3.8% ~8.8%、全年空調總耗電約可下降8.2% ~ 21.5%。量販店採用VAV系統,全年空調總耗電約可下降14.92%。


This research is aimed at expert system applications for retail buildings including department stores, wholesale stores, grocery stores, supermarkets and convenience stores. The knowledge of expert system is constructed based on energy simulation, field surveys, real-time electricity monitoring data and statistical survey of electricity bills. The energy simulation analyses on the effects of energy-consumption for different energy conservation measures, including lighting, refrigeration, HVAC and other equipments, are based on the authoritative and authentic DOE-2.2 program for dynamic refrigeration system analyses and building energy consumption simulations. The real-time electricity monitoring data comes from 8 convenience stores, 5 supermarkets, 5 department stores and 7 wholesale stores. The statistical survey of electricity bills is based on the samples of 108 convenience stores, 66 supermarkets and 32 department stores. Based on relevant studies on the simulations, monitoring and field surveys, the expert system can predict that 24% of the electricity consumption for convenience stores would be reduced, 33.4% for department stores and 27.6% for wholesale stores if their lighting power density would be reduced to 20W/㎡. About 69.9% of the air-conditioning electricity consumption for convenience stores would be reduced if they would adopt the VRV air-conditioning systems substituted for the traditional ones. About 8.2% ~ 21.5% of the HVAC electricity consumption for department stores would be reduced and 14.92% for wholesale stores if they would adopt the VAV systems substituted for the traditional CAV systems.


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