  • 學位論文


The study of developing opportunity and policy for Taiwan environmental industry

指導教授 : 張添晉


面對全球化經濟嚴苛的挑戰以及產業升級轉型之壓力,我國環保產業也面臨了創新求變的關鍵時刻,除積極提升產品本身附加價值,強化整體產業競爭力外,亦應試圖掌握海外市場發展機會,擴大台灣環保產業之版圖,達成台灣環保產業國際化之願景。依據美國國際環保商訊(Environmental Business International, EBI)之研究統計,國際環保產業在1992年全球產值約為3,000億美元,至2000年已達5,150億美元,推估至2010年全球環保市場產值應達約6,880億美元,其中亞太地區亦有1,864億美元之市場;然而,台灣環保產業在面對歐美日等先進環保產業發展之強勁對手,以及中國、南韓等新興國家之崛起夾殺之下,環保業者必須更瞭解競爭態勢,慎選未來發展之市場領域及優勢產品。爰此,本研究採以問卷調查、廠商訪談及文獻蒐集之方式,分析探討國內環保產業整體結構與體質,評估國內外現階段環保產業發展情形,並進一步對未來產業契機進行分析與建議,期能作為國內業者及相關單位發展及營運之參考。 依據本研究結果顯示,我國環保產業之定義範疇至今尚未有統一標準,其對產業之產值計算、資訊掌控及未來發展策略皆造成不良之影響。然採本研究建議之環保範疇計算,即將「水資源供給業」、「再生能源應用」及「能源服務業」納入後,2006年之環保產值推估約為1,700億台幣;由產值結構而言,環保設備及材料製造業、資源再生產品製造業與環保技術服務業之產值分別為382億(22.5 %)、728億(42.8 %)及590億(34.7 %)。另整理行政院環保署之環保支出統計調查報告顯示,我國近5年來(2003年至2007年)整體環保支出約在1,072.5億元至1,164.3億元,佔GDP之比例約為0.9 %至1.09 %之間,政府部門與產業部門的支出比例大約維持在1:1之間,惟公民營企業對於環保投資成長逐年趨緩,顯示國內相關環保市場已趨飽和,未來除非有其他環保法令之要求與約束,否則短期內國內環保設備與工程市場需求不易大幅成長。 在環保設備進出口方面,近5年來我國環保設備進口主要來自於日、德、美及英等國,近2年來由德國及日本進口之設備幾乎佔所有進口設備之50 %;出口則以中國大陸、越南、泰國及馬來西亞等亞洲新興經濟體為主,其中中國大陸自2003年以來均為我國環保設備最大出口地區,越南及英國則為出口成長較大的地區,顯示我國環保設備的出口貿易以東南亞及中國大陸為主要目標市場,並對中國大陸市場依賴度高,成穩定發展趨勢。 目前我國環保產業所面臨之主要問題為:1.中長程環保施政規劃及環境品質目標不明;2.現有環保法令未能確實落實;3.政府採購相關規定及費用未能合理調整;4.產業扶植措施未能提供廠商實質助益;5.缺乏核心技術,無法提供整合性服務;6.市場競爭激烈,融資不易,難以塑造品牌形象開拓國際市場。至於我國環保產業未來之市場趨勢與商機主要將以1.資源化產品;2.水回收關鍵性設備材料及技術;3.歐盟相關環保指令規定;4.產業溫室氣體減量及5.再生能源之發展與商機等為主。 本研究對我國環保產業未來展望與建議可劃分為國內及國外市場兩部分:1.國內環保市場:(1)擴大內需市場,協助業者參與;(2)提升研發誘因,發展創新品牌;(3)設立驗證體系,建構產品通路;(4)設定品質目標,落實法令執行及(5)暢通溝通管道,達到源頭減量。2.國外環保市場:(1)瞭解市場脈動,掌握地緣優勢;(2)結合歐美技術,建構營運中樞;(3)尋求在地伙伴,提供整合服務;(4)整合相關產業,籌組旗艦團隊;(5)建構融資管道,提昇競爭優勢及(6)加強國際交流,建立合作機制。 綜合而言,我國環保產業必須透過國際環保潮流的商機尋找到我國環保產業之綠色發展契機,並立足台灣放眼世界,共同為全球的環保大業盡一份心力。


To cope with the severe global economic challenge and pressure stemming from the industrial upgrading and transformation, Taiwan environmental industry has come to a critical point of renovation and change. In addition to promote value added product and intensify industrial competitiveness as a whole, exploring overseas market to expand the environmental industry territory is also the vision of Taiwan environmental industry to be internationalized. Based on a survey conducted by the Environmental Business International ( EBI), it is indicated that global environmental industry market has reached US$300 billion in 1992 and US$515 billion in 2000, respectively. It is also estimated that in 2010 the market shall meet US$688 billion, out of which Asia has a share of US$186.4 billion. However, Taiwan environmental industry should become aware of the competitive atmosphere due to the competitors from the advanced countries like US & Japan or new comers from Asia such as China $ South Korea. As such, this research has used several means such as questionnaire, interviews and literature survey to analyze and discuss the integrated structure and conditions of domestic environmental industry and outside Taiwan as well. The research outcomes could be referred by the local industries and relative units for the future development. Based on this research, Taiwan environmental industry does not have a unified definition at the moment and, as a result, it has a negative impact to the future development of the industry. Therefore, the research has suggested that definition of Taiwan environmental industry could accommodate water resource, renewable energy application and energy service businesses. This new suggested definition of Taiwan environmental industry has estimated the market size up to NT$170 billion in 2006. From the structure point of view, the market shares for environmental equipment and materials, resource recovery product manufacture and environmental technical service are NT$38.2 billion (22.5%), NT$72.7 billion (42.8%) and NT$59 billion (34.7%), respectively. In addition, based on Taiwan EPA’s statistics, the environmental protection expenditures of Taiwan in the past 5 years (2003 – 2007) are between NT$107.25 billion and NT$116.43 billion. These figures represent 0.9% and 1.09% GDP of Taiwan in those years. Basically, the government and private sectors have the similar expenditures (1:1), however, the historical flat tendency indicated that environmental market growth in Taiwan is slow and will not come up rapidly unless new driving force like laws and regulations emerges. For environmental equipment import & export, the major equipment import was coming from Japan, Germany, US and UK in the past 5 years. In last 2 years, almost 50% environmental equipment was imported from Germany & Japan. For export, China, Vietnam, Thailand & Malaysia were the major exporting countries, out of which China has become the biggest exporting country since 2003. Vietnam and UK have the higher growth rate in export point of view. These statistics has shown that Taiwan environmental equipment has dominantly exported to abovementioned countries and relies on China more and more in the near future. The key issues that Taiwan environmental industry are facing include:1.Longterm environmental policies and quality objectives are not clear; 2. The existing laws & regulations are not firmly executed; 3.Government procurement related regulations and contract fees are not adjusted reasonably; 4.Majures to support industry are not practical and useless; 5.Lack of core technology so cannot offer integrated service; 6.Highly competitive market, lack of financial support so is difficult to establish business image and open the international market. The future market and opportunities for Taiwan environmental industry shall be 1. resource recovery produces; 2.water reuse key equipment, materials and technology; 3.Environmental directives of European Union; 4. Reduction of CO2; 5.Renewable energy development and opportunities. This research has suggested the future development and strategies for the Taiwan environmental industry in two directions: 1. Domestic market: (1) Expand domestic market and assist the local industry to participate; (2) Promote R&D incentives to develop renovate products; (3) Establish inspection system so as to connect products and buyers; (4) Set up quality objectives and execute laws and regulations firmly; (5) Clear communicate channels to reach source reduction purpose. 2.International market: (1) Understand market directions and use geographic advantages; (2) Combine advanced technologies to establish operation center; (3) Looking fir local partners and supply complete solutions; (4) Integrate related industries and work together as an alliance; (5) Looking for finance channels to increase competitiveness; (6) Intensify international communication and establish cooperation organism. In general, Taiwan environmental industry must look for development opportunities through the foot print of international trend and directions. As such, we shall stand on Taiwan, think of Asia and look for the whole world to demonstrate our efforts on global environmental protection business.


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