  • 學位論文


Effect and Evaluation of High-speed Train Velocity on Pressure Variation in a Underground Station

指導教授 : 柯明村


為了因應快速變化的時代,許多城市的人們對於時間的觀念越來越強烈;準時以及快速移動變成人們基本的要求,1964年日本為了舉辦奧運而開始興建高速鐵路,而高速的鐵路運輸慢慢在許多城市與城市之間成為很重要的交通工具。 高速列車速度目前的定義是指列車運轉時速在200 km/hr以上,但是高速運行衍生出許多問題,例如:所產生的音切噪音以及高速進入隧道造成風壓引起的活塞效應;在在引起關切。因此產生許多針對此議題做為研究的報告與資料。也因為地下車站與隧道相連結,列車產生的熱量不易排出以及逃生的困難度增加。對於消防排煙及列車熱量移除也有許多相關模擬的研究報告。 因為活塞效應,除了上述的研究報告,風壓的變化對連接隧道的地下車站是否也會有其他的問題發生,是否有相關的限制,這是本篇希望能夠進一步的去了解並嘗試提出建議的宗旨。




In order to respond to the rapidly changing time, many people in the city have stronger concept in time; therefore, punctuality and fast movement have become the basic needs for people. In 1964, Japan high speed rail has begun in respond to Olympic Games in Japan and this high speed rail transportation has become a major mean of transportation among many cities. The definition of high speed train is referred to the operational speed of train over 200 km/hr. However, due to the high speed, there have been many related problems, such as noise caused by high speed trains and the piston effect caused by the wind pressure when high speed trains entering tunnels. These problems have brought out much attention; therefore, there have been many related researches and reports. Due to the closed relationship between underground stations and tunnels, issues like the difficulties in exiting heat and evacuation have led to many researches targeting on exiting smoke caused by fire and heat caused by trains. However, whether the piston effect which causes problems in underground station connected with tunnels is also a subject required to be discussed.


piston effect


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