  • 學位論文


The Marketing Strategy of Taiwan food -A case study of H Company

指導教授 : 胡同來


台灣食品產業原屬於變動較少的民生傳統產業,由於這幾年來國內消費環境快速變遷,國民生活品質提升,消費能力、需求及意識不斷抬頭改變了消費者生活型態及偏好,原本商品大量生產已不能再滿足消費者之偏好,起而代之是講究個人品味與注重食品安全認證的商品及提供最佳化服務品質之商家,普受大眾消費者之歡迎與認同。台灣食品產業在外銷市場不易擴展與內需市場趨於飽合的經營環境下,再受加入WTO後進口品開放的衝擊,使得國內食品市場競爭更加激烈,也因受食品安全事件(諸如斃死豬、三聚氰胺等黑心食品)之影響,企業的興衰風險也隨之升高,因此使食品產業競爭日益激烈,食品產業經營者為因應環境的快速變化下,逼使企業必須不斷追求進步與掌握市場脈動,才能夠永續經營與創造利潤。 本研究以食品產業的行銷策略為出發點,其研究目的主要是藉由文獻探討及個案實訪以了解目前食品產業在市場區隔、目標市場與定位、及行銷組合上之建構模式。但目前食品產業之相關文獻,較少以行銷策略與行銷組合方式來探討食品產業之案例,因此本研究希望能透過對台灣食品產業分析暨個案公司行銷策略模式之研究分析,以提供後續研究或未來其他食品業者作為行銷策略實務規劃上的參考。 本研究結果顯示,個案公司在行銷策略上較注重的要素為產品、價格、通路、促銷與流程,個案公司以品牌價值為核心,透過產品、價格、通路、促銷與流程等行銷組合要素之配合,建構其行銷策略架構。最後本研究並根據研究資料與訪談所得,提供個案公司在行銷策略上之幾點建議,以作為其未來發展之參考。


Changes in Taiwan's food industry is less original livelihood of traditional industries, as the past few years the rapidly changing domestic economic environment, improve the quality of national life, consumption, demand and the rise of consciousness constantly changed consumers lifestyle and preferences, had a large number of production goods no longer meet consumer preferences, and replaced by a stress from personal taste, focusing on food quality certification of goods and services, becoming popular. Together with the impact of WTO accession, made more intense changes in the domestic food market, food companies change very fast rise and fall, so the increasingly competitive food industry, food industry operators must constantly strive to grasp market trends and to be able forever. In this study, the food industry's marketing strategies as a starting point, the study aims to literature review and case actually visit to see the current food industry in market segmentation, target market and positioning, and marketing mix 7Ps on the construction model. But the literature of food industry, the extent to which marketing strategies and marketing to explore combinations of cases of food industry, so this study is to analyze through the cum on food industry marketing strategy of the case company model in order to provide follow-up studies or the future of other food industry as a marketing strategy practice planning reference. The results show that the case in a more focused marketing elements of product, price, place and promotion with the process, the case company's core brand value through product, price, place and promotion and other marketing mix elements and process of coordination framework for the establishment of its marketing strategy. Finally, the study and the study data and interviews obtained, providing marketing strategy in the case of several suggestions, as a reference for its future development.


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