  • 學位論文


Study on Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures Retrofitting by Steel-braced Frame with Direct Connection

指導教授 : 黃昭勳
共同指導教授 : 蕭輔沛


既有鋼筋混凝土(RC)結構應用鋼框架斜撐進行補強,具有可增加強度與韌性、施工快速與勁度適中等優點。對於醫院、集合住宅與商業大樓等類型建築物之耐震補強,具有高度應用價值。惟現有鋼框架斜撐補強工法,往往因鋼材料強度高於RC材料,易因鋼框架接合既有RC邊柱,導致RC邊柱易受損壞,進而影響整體結構豎向承載力。本研究旨在探討一新型鋼框架斜撐補強,使整體結構受地震力造成側向變形時,可避免既有RC邊柱遭受過大損傷,並發展性能評估方法,滿足工程界進行鋼框架斜撐分析設計之需求。 鋼框架斜撐與既有之RC建築物,分屬不同材質,必須要有良好接合才能有效地傳遞載重。本研究以3組實驗試體,分別比較不同的補強與接合型式,嘗試了解不同界面接合型式所產生之受力行為,探討何者較能有效提升強度。實驗結果顯示,所試驗之鋼框架斜撐補強工法均能有效提高未補強構架強度3至6倍,然其韌性有所差異。此外,不同接合處理影響結果甚鉅,應謹慎進行設計。


Steel-braced frame provides an excellent approach for retrofitting and stiffening existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures. It also has advantages of fast construction and good ductility. A variety of retrofitting objectives, ranging from drift control to collapse prevention, can be achieved. It has highly practical values to hospitals, congregate housings and commercial buildings. Because the steel is higher strength than the RC material, boundary columns are easily damaged by the steel frame under seismic loading. Therefore, the seismic performance of the whole structure will be reduced when vertical columns damaged. This study is concerned with developing a new type retrofitting method of steel-braced frame. It can avoid to damage boundary columns and provided high performance to resist seismic loading. Moreover, a performance evaluation method will be studied to design the steel-braced frame for practical purpose.


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