  • 學位論文


A Study on Total Quality Management of High-tech Industry based on Business Excellence Model

指導教授 : 林鳳儀


在同時充滿機會與挑戰的新經濟時代裡,任何企業或組織要邁入全球化市場、進入國際化競爭,追求卓越將比追求「大」更為重要。為協助企業突破現況,優化組織營運、強化競爭優勢,我國政府參照歐美卓越經營模式(Business Excellence Model),於2006年開始推動「促進企業卓越經營計畫」,以國家品質獎八大評量項目為核心,期望幫助企業組織建立自主評估經營體質的卓越經營評量體系,從而落實全面品質管理與創造卓越經營績效。 台灣高科技產業在國家經濟轉型與發展的階段扮演重要的角色,加以該產業與全球供應鏈結合緊密、互動性高,又特別強調知識管理與研發創新,經營體質相對靈活健全,因此其以卓越經營模式所建構的全面品質管理要素與衡量指標對競爭優勢的重要程度及權重關係遂成為本研究的主要目的。 本研究透過二回合「修正式德菲法」調查問卷,經二十位具全面品質管理實務經驗或架構概念的高科技業界及學界專家一致共識,確認出七大構面與五十二項衡量指標。之後,再藉由「相對權重」問卷及「層級分析法」分析,得到十六項具專家高度共識的「重要衡量指標」,並完成其相對權重體系。從相對權重結果可知,高科技產業以卓越經營模式建置全面品質管理架構時,高階經營者的重視與參與仍是卓越品質管理、競爭優勢提升能否成功的關鍵因素。


In the full of opportunities and challenges of the new economic era, the pursuing of “excellence” is more important than “company size” when industry or organization decide to get into the global market with high competition of other international entities. R.O.C. government refers to the European and American Business Excellence Model, started and promoted “Business Excellence Program” since 2006. The purpose of this program is to help companies to establish BEPASS (Business Excellence Performance Assessment Superior System) based on the framework of Taiwan “National Quality Award” so as to achieve industrial overall welfare by implementing the Total Quality Management. Due to Taiwan's high-tech industry plays an important role at the stage of country economic transformation, the purpose of this study is to investigate how importance of the total quality management to enhance the competitive advantage based on business excellence viewpoint, and what is the key measure factors and the relationship among those important factors. This study adopts “modified Delphi method”, and identified seven dimensions with fifty-two measure factors. We also design a “relative weights method” questionnaire and “ Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)” analysis to get sixteen“ key” measure factors and their relative-weight figures. The results of this study suggests that once high-tech industries build up total quality management framework via business excellence model, top management attention and involvement become the most important success factors to improve excellent quality management and enhance competitive advantage.


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