  • 學位論文


NURBS Curve Feedrate Planning Based on Mechanical Specification for Compensated Interpolator

指導教授 : 陳金聖




This paper proposes a NURBS curve feedrate planning based on mechanical specification for compensated interpolator. First, the curvature of a NURBS curve is calculated, and the estimated feedrate corresponding to different curvature and chord error is evaluated by adaptive feedrate. Besides, the break points, which have the local maximum curvature and the corresponding estimated feedrate is smaller then the maximum feedrate limitation, are picked up. The NURBS curve will be separated into many segments by these break points and the estimated feedrate in these break points will be the initial starting and ending feedrate in these segments. Furthermore, the above break points and estimated feedrate will be fed into our proposed lowest feedrate first priority planning (LFFPP) algorithm, which applies two kinds of S-Curve and S-L-Curve ACC/DEC profiles based on mechanical specification, to generate accurate command by compensated interpolator. The proposed method simultaneously satisfies the specifications of chord accuracy, the limitation of maximum velocity, acceleration, jerk and feedrate error in each segment. Finally, two free form curves are simulated and experimented to verify the performance of our proposed methods.


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