  • 學位論文


Dechlorinate Pretreatment by Acid Washing for Recycling MSWI Bottom Ash

指導教授 : 章裕民


由於國內垃圾焚化底渣資源化再利用的比例逐年升高、再利用的用途也愈來愈廣泛,有鑑於此,底渣再利用之前處理也相對的愈顯得重要,而本研究重點主要為利用加入酸性藥劑以四段連續式水洗方式去除底渣中之水溶性氯離子以符合國內法規規定之第一類型再利用標準(依CNS1240規定再利用底渣中之水溶性氯離子需低於0.024wt%)以及如何有效降低成本以利於工程上之運用。 本研究以液固比、滯留時間、及添加酸性藥劑的量作為實驗的三大影響條件,結果發現前述三大條件的提高會與水溶性氯離子削減效率成正相關,即每槽滯留時間10分鐘、液固比=1、添加之酸性藥劑為酸:水=1:500,底渣之水溶性氯離子濃度由0.858%降至0.132%(削減效率=84.6%);但當條件提高為每槽滯留時間30分鐘、液固比=3、添加之酸性藥劑為酸:水=1:100時,底渣之水溶性氯離子濃度可降至0.021%,削減效率高達97.4%。 基此綜合研判可發現添加弱酸性藥劑可提高底渣水溶性氯離子的去除效果,而每槽滯留時間30分鐘為最佳加藥水洗的處理時間,但此微量的弱酸藥劑須添加多少量才適合、及未來工程或製程應用上仍應視實際底渣應用(或市場)而定,由本研究初步概估加藥水洗的工程成本約505元/噸,其所延伸的底渣性質改變、廢水處理及製程系統的穩定問題都是宜後續再探討的課題。


Because of the domestic incineration bottom ash reuse proportion elevates year by year and it’s reuse purpose also to be more and more extensively,therefore, before the incineration bottom ash uses again, processes also relative appears important, and how does this research mainly increase the acidic medicament by four section of continuous-type washing in elimination bottom ash water-soluble chloride ion in the type domestic laws and regulations stipulations (The bottom ash the water-soluble chloride ion to be lower than 0.024wt% according to the CNS1240 before bottom ash reusing) as well as reduces the cost to favor in the project effectively the utilization. This research by liquid solid ratio、time、and the increase acidic medicament's quantity takes experiment's three tremendous influence condition, finally discovered that the fore-mentioned three conditions the enhancement can increases the efficiency with the bottom ash the water-soluble chloride ion in elimination, namely time = 10 minutes、liquid solid ratio =1, and the increase the acidic medicament are the acid: water =1: 500, the bottom ash the water-soluble chloride ion density by 0.858% drop to 0.132% (to reduce the efficiency =84.6%); But when the condition enhances for time = 30 minutes、liquid solid ratio =3, the increase the acidic medicament is the acid: water =1: 100, the bottom ash the water-soluble chloride ion density drop to 0.021%, reduces the efficiency to reach as high as 97.4%. Base on this comprehensive judgment discover to increase weak acid medicament may promote the bottom ash the water soluble chloride ion elimination effect, and time = 30 minutes is the best process time by acid washing, but how much this micro weak acid medicament must increase suitable、and the work in the feature either process application still should still should regard the actual bottom ash application (or market) decide, according to this study initially estimate cost of this work is 505 dollars each ton, but its extends that the character changed of bottom ash、Wastewater disposal、and the process application stability all are the topics following discusses again


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