  • 學位論文


The Key Success Factor of Business Oriented Air Conditioner Leaseholds- A Case Study of A Company

指導教授 : 廖森貴


經濟部2007年的統計調查,台灣當年的零售及餐飲總營業額約新台幣3.35兆,其中連鎖加盟產業營業額約1.6兆元(若以此營業額,可推估出台灣直營店、加盟店至少8萬家),約佔零售及餐飲業總值的48%,可見連鎖加盟體系在商業領域中已是相當重要的一塊。由於許多新興連鎖通路店鋪業主及加盟主無法負擔龐大的生產設備購置成本,再加上科技進步,產品推層出新迅速且附加功能不斷的增加,使得設備的複雜程度與價格皆因而提升,亦使得設備汰換率增加。 對市面商用空調業者及主要經銷商通路進行專家訪談及問卷調查,針對連鎖通路部份,遴選在市場上具有空調空調租賃實績及代表性的廠商進行研究分析,再使用層級分析法找出商用空調租賃成功營運模式,以做為廠商未來發展,策略參考讓“商用空調租賃”能更貼近市場成為連鎖通路之中可協助開店者或供給者之業者平台,亦成為銷售中獲利的新來源。 本研究探討商用變頻空調租賃的關鍵成功因素,因此針對該產業相關主管22位進行訪談,訪談後針對回收資料,回收有效問卷15份。研究結果顯示:台灣商用空調空調租賃的關鍵成功因素依其重要性排列分別為:「供應商構面」、「價格因素」、「產品穩定度」、「節能性商品」、「快速化派修能力」及「簡化採購程序」。


The importance of retailers and chain store distributors can never be neglected in Taiwan nowadays. A large amount of financial resource has to be poured in when opening new stores, while the total cost has to be added up to purchase equipment like air conditioners. This study analyzed previous researches and collected data from leasehold providers to find out the key factors for the success of business oriented air conditioners via the analytic hierarchy process. The result of this experiment proved the effectiveness of air conditioners leasing in the market of Taiwan. In this current research, the researcher collected 15 questionnaires from 22 logistic-related executives and came up with significant gains on the importance of key success factors on business oriented air conditioner leaseholds. The hierarchy of key success factors that is affecting the lease market, according to this study, are: distributors, prices, stability of products, energy-saving products, maintenances, and purchasing procedures.


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