  • 學位論文


Face stability and support behavior of a tunnel impacted by weak geomaterials

指導教授 : 王泰典


台灣因處於菲律賓海板塊及歐亞大陸板塊的碰撞擠壓地帶,地質年紀尚輕、岩層分布具高度複雜性,且部分地區岩性多屬軟弱地質材料,其特性為未受擾動時自力性尚可,受擾動後如隧道開挖引致應力重新分佈,造成大範圍的圍岩變形影響進而阻撓工程順利進行。因此,如何針對於軟弱岩層中進行隧道的施工作業,為國內近年來隧道工程上極重視的一項課題。 本研究利用三維有限差分程式〖FLAC〗^3D建立隨剪應變影響造成弱軟化現象組成律模式以供數值分析工具使用,組成律模式共分4類:第一類為理想彈─塑性模式、第二類為脆性破壞模式、第三類為弱軟化模式、第四類軟化模式;並建置隧道開挖數值模型之環境,進而模擬隧道開挖於不同條件組成律模式下岩體的變形行為,以了解不同圍岩地質地質材料因隧道開挖造成的影響與變形特性。藉由數值途徑可利用不同剖面以及視角分別探討隧道開挖面的自持性以及周圍岩體的變形行為,供隧道工程施作上的參考依據。


組成律 弱軟化 剪應變


Taiwan is situated on the junction belt of Philippine Sea plate and Eurasian plate, which subjected to collision and compression activities. The geologic is very young and highly complex. Lithology mostly weak in some areas of geological materials, undisturbed support when it is good, such as tunnel excavation disturbed of the stress redistribution caused, and a wide range of rock deformation and thus obstruct the smooth progress of works. Therefore, how to soft rock for the tunnel construction, tunnel engineering in recent years for the domestic extremely important work. In this study, three-dimensional finite difference software FLAC3D, with the weak establishment of shear strain softening constitutive model for numerical analysis tools, constitutive model is divided into 4 types: The first type is perfectly elastic plastic model; The second type is brittle failure mode; The third type is weak softening model; The fourth type is softening mode. Build numerical model to simulate of tunnel excavation in different conditions constitutive model of rock mass deformation behavior. Analysis of different geological materials tunnel excavation effect and deformation. Numerical results can be used by different sections explore the tunnel face stability and deformation behavior of rock, and applied for tunneling work as the reference.


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