  • 學位論文


Using Theorem of Relational Database for Generating Web Services

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


網路服務(Web Services)近年來發展迅速,其提供的分散式應用程式架構使得服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture,SOA)重新受到重視。不但各家軟體廠商如IBM開始推廣以網路服務為基礎的服務導向架構之資訊系統架構,且已經有許多成功的應用案例,網路服務儼然成為一股不可忽視的潮流。在這樣的背景之下,更大規模的應用,如跨企業、B2B環境下的大規模服務使用成為一個議題。 在這樣的背景下,網路服務的定義中,服務提供者如何提供服務成為一個值得探討的議題。在小規模的使用環境下,服務提供者一般是根據使用者的需求來提供服務,也就是當使用者產生需求,服務提供者再經過系統分析來建立使用者所需的服務。然而,在跨企業大規模的使用環境下,服務使用者不但需求多變,且難以被發現,服務提供者因此必須在不知使用者在哪以及有何需求的狀況下開發服務。 為了解決這樣的問題,本研究認為資訊系統能提供的功能來自資料庫,因此以服務提供者的角度出發,先以蒐集企業資料庫的方式取得許多資料關聯圖,再透過綱要整合的步驟將異質資料庫的結構與語意統一成為一個全域綱要,最後透過關聯式資料庫定理的應用,將有意義的服務自資料庫資料表中抽取出來,並將此步驟化為五階段的方法論,服務提供者透過此方法論,就可以將其擁有的資料庫轉化為網路服務。


Web Services develop rapidly in recent years, the distributed application infrastructure its offer makes Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is pay attention again. Not only there are many software manufacturer-like IBM-begins to popularize the SOA based on Web Services, and have a lot of successful cases, the Web Services assumes becomes a whiff of trends that can't be ignored. Under such a background, more extensive application, serving to use becoming a topic on a large scales like cross-enterprise and B2B environment. Under such a background, how the Service Provider provides service to become a topic that is worth probing into. Under the small-scale environment for use, the Service Provider generally provides service according to the user's demand, than Service Provider process system analyze to create service that user need. However, under cross-enterprise environment, Service Requesters not only have changeable demand, but also difficult to find, Service Provider must create services in the situation of don’t know where are users at and what they need. In order to solve the problem like this, this research to consider that the information system can offer function from the database, so with the Service Provider's view, first, obtain the entity relationship diagram by collecting enterprise's database, then produces a global schema in unison with combine heterogeneous databases, finally using theorem of relational database for generating web services, collect the meaningful service from the database, and turn this all into the methodology at five steps, the service provider can uses this methodology to turn the database into the Web Services.


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