  • 學位論文


A Study On Design Criterion In Seismic Isolation Structure

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


台灣位在歐亞板塊和菲律賓海板塊間的地震帶上,地震發生頻率十分頻繁,以往對建築物的耐震程度只要求「大震不倒、中震可修、小震不壞」。但發生在88年9月21日的集集大地震,其地震強度達芮氏規模7.3,為24年4月21日台中新竹地震以來傷亡人數次高紀錄,造成多棟建築物無法承受強震而倒塌,也使得建築物的隔震與減震消能相關技術蓬勃發展。 在經歷過規模7.3的強震後,隔震與減震消能技術已非單純的使結構物在地震發生時不致破壞,而是著重於強化建築物結構系統,降低地震所造成的影響並提高建築物整體安全性。 有鑑於國內隔震構造設計發展日漸普及,內政部於91年首度公佈實施「建築物隔震設計規範」,94年7月1日起實施之「建築物耐震設計規範與解說」統一規範應用,並將其合併於「耐震設計規範」第九章,其內容主要以結構設計分析、隔震器實體測驗與性能保證測試為主,對隔震構造在建築計畫之設計準則卻沒有詳加訂定、說明,以致無法提供設計者完善的遵循方針。 本研究透過國內外隔震設計規範及相關文獻,彙整隔震和傳統建築計畫兩者間之差異,探討分析隔震在建築設計上面臨之問題,並提出可行的解決方案與對策,將其轉化為隔震構造建築計畫之設計準則。 期望藉由本研究之成果,提供建築設計實務操作過程之原則性掌握及設計參考,俾有效提昇整體設計品質及落實計畫目標,讓我國之建築物設計達到更為安全、穩固之目標。


隔震建築 隔震層 隔震元件


Taiwan is located in seismic zone between Eurasian Plate and Philippine Plate, and earthquakes occur frequently. Formerly, the requirement of earthquake precaution building design is “No collapse in strong earthquake, reparable in normal one, and no damage in weak one.” However, the 921 Earthquake which happened on September 21st 1999 was measured 7.3 on Richter scale. It caused the second heaviest casualties since the Taichung and Hsinchu Earthquake which happened on April 21st 1935, and caused many building collapses, but it promoted the significant development of shock absorption technologies as well, such as Earthquake Isolation and Earthquake Reduction. After this Richter magnitude scale 7.3 earthquake, the isolation structure and shock absorption not only let building not be damaged but reinforce the structure system to reduce the destruction and to better the construction safety. Due to the pervasion of isolation structure design, Ministry of the Interior proclaimed the “Isolation Structure Design Code” in 2002 and add it into “Construction Earthquake Resistance Design Code” as chapter 9 on July 1st 2005. The main content is about structure design and analysis, and the performance test of seismic isolation equipments. There is no clear seismic isolation architecture design guidance for designer to have a completed direction to follow. Through collecting the “Isolation structure design code” and other references, comparing the diffierence between seismic isolation design planning and traditional architecture planning, and analyzing the problems about utilizing seismic isolation structure in architecture design, I anticipate the result of this research will provide design guidance to formulate seismic isolation architecture design standard. Furthermore, the goal of this research is to increase the design quality and to construct safer building in the future.


[26] 黃鴻銘建築師事務所網路資料,2004。
[1] 日本免震構造協會編,「免震積層ゴム入門」,日本:Ohmsha,1997。
[2] 日本免震構造協會編,「免震建築の設計どデイテール(免震建築設計與細部) 」,台北:彰國社,1999。
[3] 日本免震構造協會編,「免震建物の建築、設備標準」,日本:日本免震構造協會, 2001。


