  • 學位論文


Food e-Pedigree System Design - Taking the Processing Food as Example

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


現今的食品從最初的原料至消費者過程當中,經歷了原料採買、加工製造、倉儲及配送等。這整個食品流動過程錯綜複雜,不易由市售產品追溯至源頭,使得食品衛生管理的工作更具挑戰性。當食品出現安全上的疑慮,不論是衛生管理單位、業者、相關的通路商還是消費者均急欲在最短時間內了解食品事件相關資訊之需求下,如何建置一套良好的食品履歷追溯系統,提供給管理者追蹤食品的流向與其發生原因是目前非常重要的課題之一。 本研究之食品履歷追溯系統平台之設計,以模擬三種不同產業供應鏈情境為基礎,由模擬實驗可得知食品履歷追溯系統平台,可以針對不同的供應鏈產業做出各種追踨及追溯的作業,不論是用在查詢生產地、物料追踨或生產參數查詢,簡言之,即是將農場到餐桌上所有的生產歷程完整的紀錄下來。透過模擬實驗的方式,對其不同情境下之結果加以分析與比較。 經由本研究發現,食品履歷追溯系統的導入,對於食品安全問題管控上能更有效率處理,加速了食品追踨及追溯的查詢作業,讓有危害的食品能在短時間內查詢到發生原因。並且透過使用RFID之技術,用在產品的資料收集上,能大幅提升系統資料的可信賴度,確保追溯資料的正確性。


The process of food production currently includes purchase of raw materials, manufacturing, warehousing and distribution. Due to the difficulty of tracing sources of commercial products, the entire process is complex. This makes food safety management more challenging. When there are doubts of food safety, most departments concerned are eager to have related information instantly. It is very important to develop a good food traceability system which can inform the manager of the process and causes of food issues. This study provides a food traceability system which can facilitate the managers to track the flow of food and the causes of food process problem. Through this research, we found that this system can make food safety control more efficient and accelerate food tracking on query operations. Therefore, harmful food will be inspected and checked in a short period of time.


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