  • 學位論文


Simulation of Cooling and Energy Consumption of Subway Tunnel Utilizing Evaporative Cooling Technology

指導教授 : 柯明村


一般地下捷運會利用列車行進時所產生的活塞效應(Piston Effect),使隧道空氣流動形成壓力氣流經由釋壓井來與外界空氣做熱交換,降低隧道內之溫度。但僅靠活塞效應是無法將大量熱量排除,大都以機械式通風來冷卻車站與隧道之溫度,便可以快速解決溫度上升之問題。機械式通風是透過增加風機的容量來達到降低所需之溫度,而相對的電費成本也會隨之提高,故本論文主要是探討將蒸發式冷卻設備架設於隧道內,且在不違背設計規範條件下,分析環控系統中的風機耗能比較,研究所採用的模擬程式為地下鐵環控模擬程式(Subway Environmental Simulation Program,SES),以台北某地下捷運之幾何形狀及運轉條件為主。本研究發現軌道排風機設計風量為10 m3/s,隧道溫度會超過規範要求37℃,需將設計風量提升為20 m3/s,才能符合規範;因此,若將軌道排風機之風量設計為10 m3/s並搭配蒸發式冷卻時,整體平均溫度雖然高於只開軌道排風機之風量為20 m3/s,但亦能滿足規範要求,且軌道排風機消耗功率也因此降低。風機之風量在20 m3/s的每月消耗功率為83,328 kWh;風機之風量在10 m3/s的每月消耗功率則為56,544 kWh。換言之,軌道排風機設計風量為10 m3/s並搭配蒸發式冷卻,可比原先只開軌道排風機風量為20 m3/s節省了26,784 kWh,其節能率為32.1%。另外,在軌道排風機設計風量為10 m3/s時,其蒸發冷卻的隧道總冷卻能力為71,064 kcal/hr。


MRT utilizes Piston Effect created by the operating subway to exchange the heat between outer air via the vent shaft and the air flow in the tunnel and to transfer to pressure flow. However, Piston Effect could not only take off plenty of heat but mechanical ventilation also is used to cool the station and tunnel too quickly solving the problem of rising temperature. Mechanical ventilation can successfully cool down the tunnel to a specific temperature by enhancing the air flow but it may relatively increase the electrical bill. Therefore, this paper analyzes energy consumption of fan with installing the evaporative cooling equipment in Environmental Control System. The subway simulation program named Subway Environmental Simulation (SES) is utilized to analyze the underground Taipei MRT system with and without platform screen doors to study and compare the energy consumption. The full-scale geometrical parameters and operational conditions in summer of Taipei city were input. The study not only conforms to the regular but also reduce the power consumption by utilizing evaporative cooling equipment with 10 m3/s TEF even if the general temperature is higher that with 20 m3/s. The monthly power consumption is 56,544 kWh with 20 m3/s TEF and 56,544 kWh with 10 m3/s TEF. In other words, it could save 26,784kWh energy while using evaporative cooling equipment with 10m3/s TEF and that is much better than the one with 20 m3/s. Moreover, the total effectiveness of evaporative cooling is 71,064 kcal/hr while the flow rate of Track way Exhaust Fan is 10m3/s.


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