  • 學位論文


The Acceptance Model of Online Group-Buying

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞


這幾年來,網際網路已成為現代大生活當中不可缺的一部份, 這種趨勢也促使網路購物逐漸盛行,使得有越來越多的消費者願意透過網路進行購物,。網路團購是網路市場新興的通過互聯網渠道將有相同購物意向的消費者組織起來,向廠商進行大宗購物的行為。是經網絡這一媒體組織形成具備大宗購買能力的消費者團體,通過與生產廠商或分銷商的談判,從而取得較大的價格優惠和優質服務等。其實往裡團購的目標是為參與團購的消費者群體獲得利益最大化,以盡可能低的價格獲得商品和更多的服務。簡單地說網路團購有三層意思:第一層是購,就是購物;第二層是團,就是有相同購買意向的消費者團體;第三層是網絡,就是利用網路購物。網路團購提供專業團購網站給消費者可以在一起購物商品。 本研究的目的是除瞭解消費者對於網路團體購物的態度,探討消費者在網路團體購物如何影響他們在購買決策過程,以及更瞭解口碑行銷為何影響消費者在網路購物的互動性,也進一步探究互動性會不會正面影響群體規範、認知享受、認知易用性團購、認知有用性團購與虛擬社群信任感。本研究的貢獻是不僅提供互動性對消費者影響力、群體規範、虛擬社區信任對網路團體購物態度的影響,也提供顯著的真正價值網路團體購物運營商的新做法與建議。它可用於這些網站經營者更瞭解消費者在網路購物時的主要影響因素。 本研究結果出來是互動性團購會支持網路團購五個變數,包裹認知易用性團購、認知有用性團購、虛擬社群信任感、群體規範團購、認知樂趣團購。 而且當團購五個變數同時影響到網路團購態度,本研究發現除了群體規範顯著非支持之外,其他變數都支持研究假說。


The past few years, Internet has become an indispensable part of modern life, this trend also contributed to the online shopping is increasingly popular, making it more and more consumers are willing to make purchases through the Internet. Purchase network mission is a network of emerging markets through the Internet channel will have the same purchase intent of consumer organizations, and to the vendor for bulk purchase. This is a network media organizations to form a bulk-buying power of the consumer groups, and through the manufacturer or distributor of the negotiations, to achieve a greater price and the quality of their services. Its objective is to take part in its share of the consumer groups for the maximum benefit, at the lowest possible prices for goods and services. Simple to say that there are have three options in Network Layer: The first layer is the shopping options, and second layer is a mission, and that is the same as consumer purchase intent; the last layer is the network that uses the Network shopping. The purpose of this study is in addition to the understanding of consumer attitude towards the Internet community shopping to explore how they affect consumer shopping network groups in the purchase decision-making process, and word of mouth marketing better understanding of why the impact of consumer interaction in online shopping will further explore the interaction a positive impact on group norms, perceived enjoyment, perceived ease of use of online group-buying, perceived usefulness of online group-buying and virtual community trust. The contribution of this research is not only to provide an interactive influence on consumers, group norms, virtual community trust shopping attitude of the network groups, but also provides significant real value of the network group shopping operators of new practices and recommendations. It can be used for these website operators a better understanding of the main factors affecting consumers in online group buying. This study extracts factors that influence interactive from the customer's point of view, to discuss how interactive, group-norm, enjoyment among members influence the attitude of customer's to participate in online group buying. The results is interactive support online group buying five variables:perceived ease of use of online group buying,perceived usefulnes, virtual community trust, group norms, perceived enjoyment. And when group buying five variables affect on online group-buying attitude, this study found that in addition to group norms significantly non-support and other variables to support the research hypothesis.


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