  • 學位論文


A linear programming model and heuristic algorithm for synchronized zone order picking

指導教授 : 吳建文


物流中心倉儲管理是相當重要一部分,企業的倉儲有必要滿足供應鏈上需求變化。倉儲作業成本大約佔公司銷售成本的2-5%,其中揀貨作業時間佔所有倉儲作業時間的50-70%,揀貨作業格外重要,提升揀貨作業效率是物流中心重要議題。 分區揀貨概念是倉儲環境中將揀貨區分成數個子揀貨分區,方便揀貨員進行揀貨工作,儲位指派問題主要是研究如何將產品項指派到適當的儲位,達到揀貨的行走距離最小化。目前學者對於分區揀貨和儲位指派的議題探討的文獻很少。 本文主要針對同步式分區揀貨進行探討,其根據Jane and Laih(2005)提到同步式分區揀貨模型,該模型是訂單上同時出現頻率高的商品要分別放置在不同分區揀貨區域,計算各個分區訂單完成時間總和。本研究嘗試平衡每一個訂單在每一個分區的工作量,提出線性規劃模型更能貼近現實情況,本研究並針對該模型提出一個新的啟發式演算法求解,經25個實驗範例的平均值,新的啟發式演算法均有明顯改善執行時間與揀貨時間。


Warehousing operating costs account for about 2-5% of the company's cost of sales and order picking time accounted for 50-70% of all warehousing operation time. Order picking is particularly significant. It is important for logistic center to enhance the efficiency of order picking. Zone picking allows the picking area to be divided into several zones so that each picker can concentrate on picking the items on his zone. Storage assignment considers how to assign items to appropriate locations in order to minimize touting costs. Very few research considers storage assignment in zone picking. This paper presents a synchronized zone order picking linear programming model. We also propose a heuristic algorithm to solve the model. Experiments have been performed and the results are reported in the paper.


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