  • 學位論文


The Research on Environment Change of the Dockers Community and Community Support: A Case Study on Keelung Chien Ming Community

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


本研究以居住在基隆健民社區的碼頭工人生活環境變遷為探討主題,過去基隆港是一個實施現代化的港灣,港口設備隨著海運發達的精進,牽動了基隆市街的空間轉型,都市意象也由原始的小漁村,逐漸成為大型貿易商港,然而在轉變過程中所被忽視的,則是伴隨著碼頭興起與衰落的碼頭工人。從研究中發現,碼頭工人的生活與港口的發展有著休戚與共的微妙關係,工作場域牽動著碼頭工人的生活空間與行為模式的改變,從大環境經濟情況的轉換,改變的是健民社區居民與生活的變化。 研究方法採深入訪談法及直接觀察法,對象包括基隆港務局科長及港務相關人員、健民里里長及健民社區內之居民等,由訪談過程瞭解健民社區過去的環境變遷與社區及碼頭間之聯結,由碼頭形塑探討居民之生活轉變,以環境心理學及社會學之角度探討碼頭工人之生活起居及社區支持行為,並從中觀察居民之間的社區網絡與主客體之關係,從中發展出不同之港埠人文歷史,發掘碼頭工人對於生活週遭空間環境之關懷。 研究中分析出社區內現有之社區支持,屬於非正式支持,由鄰里之間及朋友所組成之社區支持網絡,成為社區支持之橋樑,達到社區內支持系統之建立,健民社區社支持包括情感支持、健康支持、活動支持、環境支持等,由不同類型之居民產生不同之人際互動,依照個性與背景之不同可區分為,社交型、閉鎖型、奉獻型及依賴型,從居民之使用程度,形成社區內特有之空間,依序為意義空間、象徵空間、實質空間及社交空間等,由居民行為與空間之交替行為而產生社區內社區支持網絡,幫助社區年長之居民繼續生活與原有之環境,並由研究結果可分析未來社區支持之對策,如時間貨幣之推行、跨域合作,結合正式與非正式之社區支持,並納入社區營造之概念,組織社區內之支持系統並增加社區道路之方便,改善社區環境,令社區更加符合居民之需求,幫助居民永遠生活在自己熟悉之環境。


This research is aimed to explore the living environment change for dockers who have lived in Keelung Chien Ming Community. Keelung Harbor has long been modernized. With the advancement of harbor facilities and infrastructure fostered by booming shipping industry, the space transformation of Keelung streets has been gradually launched, together with an urban image on the growth from an old fishing village. Accordingly, a large commercial harbor has taken shape over times. During the transition, however, the dockers who have lived with the ups and downs of harbor had been forgotten. In this research, the author has discovered a fact that the lives of dockers and the development of harbor are closely tied together. The working area has led to a change in the living space and behavioral pattern of dockers. With the change in overall economy dimension, the life and residents of Chien Ming Community have also changed. The methodological approaches in this research include in-depth interview and direct observation, sampling chiefs of division/section level and relevant personnel in Keelung Harbor Bureau, and head and residents of Chien Ming Community. Through the interview and observation, the author has tried to realize the linkage among the past environment change of Chien Ming Community, the community and the pier in a way as to explore the life style change of residents shaped by the pier, to explore the daily life activities of and the community support behavior for dockers from psychological and sociological perspectives, and to observe the community network and the relationship of subjective entities vs. objective entities among residents. The findings may serve to discover how a different harbor or port humanity history evolves and better understand the concerns of dockers over their living environment and space. . In author’s analysis, it summarizes that the current community support is an informal support in nature. It comes from a community support network comprising community residents and friends which creates a support network within the community. In Chien Ming Community, the community support takes several forms, including emotional support, health support, activity support and environmental protection support. Different types of residents have developed different types of personally interactive relations. Based on the difference on personality and background, the research has summarized certain types as follows: the social type, the closed off type, the dedicated type and the dependent type. According to the extent of usage by residents, the special community space under development also can be defined as meaningful space, symbolic space, physical space and social space. In short, this research concludes that the community support network within the community can be established through resident behavior and space alternate behavior. Then, the analysis result can help identify solutions to future community support, including facilitation of using time currency, and fostering of cross-region cooperation, together with mobilization of formal and informal community supports. As part of concerted efforts, an inclusion of community construction concept, support system constitution within the community, better improvement of community communication roads, and better improvement of community environments is also a must. All these efforts serve to further satisfy the needs of residents, and ensure a more comfortable living environment under which the residents are long familiar with.


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