  • 學位論文


The Study of Competitiveness of LED Lead Frame Industry

指導教授 : 邱垂昱


近幾年因為全球暖化效應引發異常之氣候變化,而惡劣氣候所造成的經濟損失更是難以預估,現今人類正面臨著能源危機與環境保護的雙重考驗,所以綠色能源的相關議題極受到重視,進而促使綠能產業的蓬勃發展,而LED發光二極體正是低功率運作以及低二氧化碳排放的綠能產品,相對也同步受惠了LED導線架產業的倍速成長。產業擴張的同時競爭者也像雨後春筍般的林立,如何在這微利時代中佔有一席之地,首要,必須掌握LED導線架產業之競爭優勢,才能在產業發展陷入瓶頸時勝出,對於企業的競爭力而言,產品研發能力、開發速度、成本控制、品質管理、彈性服務皆是提升競爭力的主要因子,掌握核心的關鍵才能永續發展。 本研究乃針對LED導線架產業進行產業背景、結構、現況和LED產業供應鍊之瞭解,面對現在LED導線架低價化的競爭壓力以及產品生命週期逐漸縮短的趨勢,對於LED導線架的競爭力進行研究,係以德爾菲法與層級分析法並依據文獻探討,加以彙總出六大構面以及35項指標。期望藉由本研究的結果,提供給LED導線架產業做為提升產業競爭力之參考。


Over the years, global warming has been identified as being the main significant cause for climate change, and the economic losses from severe weather are inestimable. Today, we are facing large challenges, not only from the energy crisis issues but also environmental protection as well. Therefore, environmental impact management and green energy are issues gaining extraordinary attention among companies throughout the world, and leading to a rapid growth of green industry development. Light Emitting Diote(LED) is one of the green products which have a number of advantages such as being able to use less power consumption, lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and maintenance costs are reduced, with these benefits LED products are believed to be one of the best green technologies for lighting worldwide. With a greater need for LED, the LED lead frame industry continues to grow rapidly. For a firm to outperform its competitors in LED lead frame industry, the firm needs to know its core competences. In terms of firm competitiveness, the capabilities of product research and development, the speed of process development, cost control, quality management and flexible services, are the key value activities to enhance and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage and to stay ahead in the market. This research focuses on the analysis of the background, infrastructure, current situation and the supply chain of the LED lead frame industry. It, like other industries, are facing great pressures from the lower priced competitors, and the current trend towards shortening product life cycles. This study implements the Delphi method and the Analytic Hierarchy Process, to analyze the competitiveness of the LED lead frame, and to summarise it into six dimensions and thirty-five key factors. The main purpose of this study is to offer a method to enhance the competitiveness of the LED lead frame industry.


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