  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of the Type III Environmental Product Declaration-A Case of TFT-LCD product

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


在能源危機、溫室效應等因素影響之下,隨著各國際公司對自身產品環保性資訊公開的趨勢,許多國家紛紛投入推動第三類產品環境宣告活動。日本南韓、加拿大以及瑞典,在Type III EPD堪居世界領導地位。從國內產業現況明顯看出TFT-LCD 產業扮演現代資訊產業的重要角色,國際面板業者開始致力於環保相關議題,國內TFT-LCD產業為提高競爭優勢紛紛投入因應第三類產品環境宣告。目前國際間有許多分析軟體,但沒有一套標準,評估結果會因軟體背景及資料庫不同而有差異,甚者會影響整個宣告之進行。 本研究透過國內某面板廠商生產之22吋TFT-LCD模組,以VHK EcoReport v5、Simapro 7.0、GaBi 4以及Doitpro作為生命週期評估軟體工具,藉由文獻探討及軟體之各面向進行分析,得知Simapro為功能齊全且資料庫不斷更新的軟體,初次接觸LCA者可以此作為學習教材,GaBi為資料管理完整與分析嚴謹的軟體,適用企業內部對產品的評估或改良;EcoReport因資料庫略嫌薄弱,可作為學術研究之範例說明或教學;而Doitpro因內部資料庫皆本土化,可作為國內持續發展生命週期評估概念的依據。在衝擊數據方面,全球暖化以Doitpro之275 kgCO2為最高,酸化潛勢以Doitpro之5.04 kgSO2為最高,優養化以Doitpro之0.3 kgPO43-,光化學煙霧以Simapro的0.0156 kg C2H4最高,透過四種不同軟體評估出之數據與討論,可提供企業在進行第三類產品環境宣告時之參考重點,除了詳細評估本身之產品特性以及選擇適當之生命週期評估軟體,還能減少花費的時間與成本,亦能正確呈現完整的評估結果,順利完成環境宣告,提升企業之知名度與環保形象。


In this period of energy crisis and factors such as greenhouse gas effect, companies are required to provide information about their products with regards to the environment to meet international standards. Life-cycle assessment techniques are been adopted gradually, as well as ISO/TR 14025 standards. Many countries have been promoting the use of type III Environmental products declaration. Japan and South Korea in Asia, USA, Canada and Sweden in Europe, have already have been on the lead in promoting Type III EPD project in the world. The TFT-LCD industry has an important role within the domestic industry and it can be used for a variety of display interface products, such as notebook, computers, and liquid crystal displays. International panel focusing on the impact of environmental issues and the establishment of the international LCD environmental organizations WLICC, have a target to promote cooperation in the global LCD industry. They have also been committed to environmental protection issues and domestic TFT-LCD industry in order to enhance the competitive edge and adhere to international regulations. The type III environmental product declarations and the concept of life-cycle assessment are closely related to the international development of the current number of analysis software. With regard to inventory data analysis, there are no fixed set of software as a standard, which may change the context of the assessment results, which may affect the effective use of EPD. Consequently, this study used a domestic LCD panel manufacturer of 22” TFT-LCD module as an example using VHK EcoReport v5, Simapro 7.0, GaBi 4 and Doitpro as life-cycle assessment software tool. A literature review on the issue and four different softwares which are use-oriented and results-oriented were explored during the course of this research. The result of this study is as follows: Simapro have full-features and constantly updated database, it is the initial tool for LCA and can be used for learning purposes too. GaBi secures the integrity of data management and analize softwares that can be applicable to internal assessment of products or improved design; EcoReport As a database was weak, it is proposed that it should be used as an example for academic research or teaching; and Doitpro have localized database that can be used to enhance sustainable development of the domestic life-cycle assessment based on the concept and results. The impact of those data are: Doitpro was used to assess the global warming potential which is highest among the softwares used (275 kgCO2). The TFT-LCD almost has no effect on the ozone layer. The acidification potential of Doitpro is the highest among the softwares used with a level 5.04 kgSO2. Eutrophication potential of TFT-LCD using Doitpro is 0.3 kgPO43-. The last aspect assessed is potential to cause photochemical smog is the highest (0.0156 kg C2H4) using simapro. Using four different software to conduct LCA on TFT-LCD products, discussions are made with regards to the data and the suitability of the type III environmental product declaration for businesses. In addition, these softwares will help in having detailed assessment on their choice of product characteristics, as well as appropriate software life-cycle assessment; reduce the amount of time spent and cost. It also shows a complete assessment of the product, declared the successful completion of its impact on the environment to enhance the business image and environmental awareness.


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