  • 學位論文


A Study of Policy Analysis on the Recruitment of Mainland China Junior College Students into Bachelor's Degree Programs in Universities of Technology in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林俊彥


面臨少子女化與高等教育國際化時代的來臨,招收境外生,特別是大陸地區學生已成為世界各國高等教育發展趨勢。教育部為解決科技校院少子女化問題,於2013年提出陸生來臺就讀二技政策,為瞭解該政策之運作過程與實施成效,本研究訪談7名學者專家,並針對75名來臺就讀二技之大陸專科生與76所科技校院之行政人員進行問卷調查,總計發出227份問卷,回收152份,回收有效率為66.96%。 研究結論如下:(一)政策產生背景與臺灣高等技職教育發展面臨少子女化生源減少的危機有關;而技職體系二技學制完備極具特色,醞釀政策形成。(二)政策目標主要是促進兩岸教育交流合作,縮短兩岸文化鴻溝等。(三)招生規劃的備選方案,主要有「企業專班」、「申請制」、「報考制」三種;學歷採認備選方案主要有「同力學歷」與「直接採認」兩種,參與決策者有教育部,其他政府部會、陸生聯招會;而大陸主管當局與大陸海峽兩岸招生服務中心也扮演關鍵角色。(四)政策合法化過程包括修正《大陸地區人民來臺就讀專科以上學校辦法》、《大陸地區學歷採認辦法》。(五)政策評估部分,受訪者認為初期政策目標已經達成。問卷調查發現,行政人員與陸生均認為這個政策是有效、公平,並滿意此政策。(六)行政人員對此政策整體評價低於陸生。(七)行政人員認為此政策對臺灣科技校院與臺灣學生有正面助益。(八)陸生認為此政策「能讓我認識臺灣朋友、擴展人脈」、「能讓我體驗兩岸多元文化」。(九)陸生對「學校的學習資源」、「教師輔導」、「教師教學」、「行政服務」等感到滿意。(十)行政人員與陸生均認為政策最需改進之處為「加強向外界溝通及說明」。


Challenged by the decreasing birth rate and to meet the internationalization needs of higher education, recruiting international students, especially those from Mainland China, has become a trend amongst the development of higher education worldwide; in 2013, the Ministry of Education thus introduced the policy of recruitment Mainland China junior college students into bachelor's degree programs. In order to better understand the operation process and the effectiveness of the policy, this research was conducted both qualitatively by interviewing seven educators and quantitatively by sending out questionnaires to seventy-five Mainland China junior college students who were enrolled in two-year college in Taiwan and to the administrative staff from seventy-six technological colleges and above. In total, 227 questionnaires were sent out and 152 returned; the valid recovery rate was 66.96%. Results of the analyses showed that (A) the implementation of this policy was resulted from factors such as the low recruitment rate of Mainland China students in technological universities, the decreasing birth rate, and the more mature, systemized two-year college in Taiwan; (B) the purpose of this policy was to promote cross-strait educational cooperation and to increase the number of students from Mainland China; (C) in terms of recruitment, Mainland China students could be recruited by attending programs exclusively opened for them, by applying for admission, or by taking the entrance examinations. The credentials were recognized either directly or based on equivalency. Decision makers came from the Ministry of Education, University Entrance Committee for Mainland China Students, and other government organizations. The authorities from Mainland China and the Cross-strait Student Recruitment Center also played crucial roles; (D) the legalization of the policy required amendments of regulations governing the recruitment of students from Mainland China for colleges and above and regulations governing the recognition of credentials for institutions of Mainland China; (E) in policy assessment terms, the interviewees believed that the primary purpose of this policy had been fulfilled; the recruitment of students, however, was not satisfying. From the results of the returned questionnaires, the administrative staff and Mainland China students thought that this policy was of effectiveness, fairness, and satisfaction; (F) the overall evaluation of this policy from the administrative staff was lower than that from Mainland China students; (G) the administrative staff believed that this policy had positive effect and was beneficial to technological colleges and universities and the students in Taiwan; (H) Mainland China students believed that this policy could help make friends with Taiwanese people and experience Taiwanese cultures; (I) Mainland China students were satisfied with learning resources, teacher’s mentoring and teaching, administrative service, and campus environment; and (J) both the administrative staff and the Mainland China students thought that this policy could have been more advertised.


policy analysis policy assessment


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