  • 學位論文


Mechanical design and analysis of electric steering of PRT

指導教授 : 蕭耀榮


轉向機構是軌道車輛中一項重要的系統,近年來拜科技進步所賜,提升各種控制元件的性能且廣泛的被應用於各種領域,由最初需要藉由人力切換的軌道系統,發展到利用動力輔助來進行系統切換,而現今個人快速捷運(Personal Rapid Transit,PRT)更可以在專用路權上以中央控制,無人駕駛車輛的方式行駛。 本研究以市售電動代步車為基礎,利用英國Ultra PRT電子轉向系統的架構為研究方向,以電子零件與控制模組進行轉向系統改裝,藉由雷射測距感知器得知輪胎與軌道間距離的變化,並將此變化數據直接輸入至本研究所設計的控制板內,再利用模糊控制理論的方法計算出最佳轉向角度,最後以控制器控制步進馬達來達到最佳自動轉向角度,能在最適當時機更穩定且更精準地控制轉向系統,以達到智慧型自動轉向控制。


Steering mechanism is an important rail system. Because of technological progress in recent years, various control elements are improved and widely used. The rail system first required human to switch, and it developed to do with power-assisted manner. Today the personal rapid Transit system (Personal Rapid Transit, PRT) can even travel on a private road with driverless vehicles. This study is based on a commercial electric vehicle, research on imitating the electronic steering system of British Ultra PRT, using electronic components and control module to modify steering system. Then to employ laser distance sensors to track the distance changes between the tire and the trail. The results are inputted into the designed PC board, and then use the fuzzy control theory to calculate the optimal steering angle, to achieve the best automatic steering angle by a stepper motor controller. So the intelligent automatic steering control system can be reached at the appropriate moment stably and accurately.


PRT Steering mechanism electric steering


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