  • 學位論文


Using Service-Oriented Architecture to Integrate Demand Chain

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


在需求鏈數學模式的相關議題中,大都直接假設模式變數已取得,而忽略了實際上進行模式變數資訊擷取時,因此將遭致異質系統難以互相連接、整合之問題。隨著組織成長,企業陸續導入各種資訊系統於組織內各個部門,故系統間之整合乃近來企業所共同面對之重要議題;然而,各資訊系統間存在異質系統環境,難以彼此整合的問題,造成企業在繁瑣的資訊系統環境中,無法進行統一整合管理。隨著全球化競爭時代來臨,企業除了整合內部現存的資訊系統外,更必須進一步面對外部上下游廠商相關資源整合問題,如何解決上述問題,乃現今大多數企業面臨的一項挑戰。 服務導向架構是以網路服務為基礎的系統設計方法,為異質環境中的整合方案,為解決需求鏈成員資訊交換分享之問題,本研究使用Visual Studio .Net為開發工具,以VB .Net和Lingo程式語言相結合,建構服務導向需求鏈資訊整合平台和需求鏈數學模式,進行需求鏈之數學模式求解。本研究主要貢獻為(1)實現以往數學模式內變數資訊皆已取得之假設。從研究成果得知;以服務導向架構之系統設計,可有效解決異質平台資訊擷取問題,並滿足數學模式大都假設變數皆已取得之條件限制。(2)本平台展現服務導向架構具備高延展性與高度彈性,節省企業資訊系統重覆開發成本。


In the problem of the demand chain mathematical model, almost all variables of demand chain mathematical model were hypothesized to have been acquired; therefore, the problem of heterogeneous system integration across organizations is ignored when acquiring information of variables practically. As the scale of enterprise growing which developed different information systems into internal departments, so system integration becomes a common issue between many enterprises; however, it’s too difficult to integrate heterogeneous environment that exists in different information systems to manage centrally. While global competitive era is coming, an enterprise not only has to integrating existed internal information system but faces the problem of integrating external resources. How to solve the problems listed above will be a challenge to most enterprises. This research applies Service-Oriented Architecture and demand chain model to solve the problem of sharing information betweens members in demand chain to present a prototype of integration platform of demand chain and to solve problem of retrieving variables in model by using the VB.Net and Lingo into web services. The contributions of the research are: (1) Realizing the hypothesis of the past mathematical model. The results show that system design by Service-Oriented Architecture could solve the problem of retrieving information between heterogeneous platforms effectively and satisfy the condition of restraining that variables are acquired. (2)The system could perform the scalability and the flexibility of Service-oriented Architecture to save reiterated development costs of enterprise information system.


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