  • 學位論文


The study on YSZ electrolyte and LSM cathode by plasma spray

指導教授 : 蘇程裕


固態氧化物燃料電池(solid oxide fuel cell, SOFC)為熱門的綠色能源之一,但因其工作溫度過高,發展受到了大大的限制,為了增進高溫型固態氧化燃料電池的發電效率以及降低工作溫度,本研究以電漿熔射噴塗技術製備電解質(YSZ)與陰極(LSM)膜層,藉由不同的噴塗次數來控制電解質與陰極的厚度,以降低其工作溫度。 本研究主要分為兩大部分,第一部分為Ni/8YSZ基材製作,以單軸成型法製備陽極(NiO/8YSZ)支撐的電極,材料部分並未加入造孔劑,以控制壓碇時的壓力與燒結參數,來獲得具有足夠強度且有足夠孔隙的陽極試片。第二部分為電解質與陰極製作,以電漿熔射噴塗技術,藉由控制熔射功率,以獲得緻密的電解質層以及多孔的陰極層。最後將製備完成之單元電池置於電化學量測平台上,來了解單元電池的特性,並利用電子顯微鏡觀察單元電池之微結構,再以X光繞射儀進行元素分析。研究結果發現於1300℃燒結的孔隙率可達30%,還原後孔隙率更可提升至36%,而塗層結構在熔射參數電流為600 A,氫氣流量為14 SLPM下可以製作出緻密的電解質層;在熔射參數電流為500 A,氫氣流量為6 SLPM下可以製作出多孔的陰極層。


Solid oxide fuel cell is one of the most popular green energy, but the operating temperature is too high, the development has been greatly restricted, in order to enhance the efficiency of power generation and reduce the operating temperature. In this study, we utilized the plasma spray technique to prepare the electrolyte layer (YSZ) and cathode layer (LSM). For the purpose of reduce the operating temperature, we controlling the thickness of electrolyte and cathode with different coating times. The study is divided into two parts, the first part is Ni/8YSZ substrate production, prepared by uniaxial forming the anode (NiO/8YSZ) supporting electrode with no pore-forming material. We control the pressure of anchor and sintering temperature to obtain a sufficient strength and sufficient porosity anode specimen. The second part is the electrolyte and cathode production. To controlling the spraying power to obtain a dense electrolyte layer and a porous cathode layer. Finally, the unit cell is placed on the electrochemical measurement platform to understand the characteristics, and measurement be used to the SEM, XRD analysis. And we can see by the experimental result, the value of porosity which sintering at 1300℃ showed that NiO/8YSZ sample was 30% and deoxygenated sample was increased to 36%. Spray coating structure in which the parameter is current 600 A, under a hydrogen flow rate of 14 SLPM can produce a dense electrolyte layer; spray coating parameters in current 500 A, the gas flow rate to 6 SLPM can produce a porous cathode layer.


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