  • 學位論文


The Research on the Relationship between Taiwanese IT Firms with OFDI in China and the Market Share in Japan

指導教授 : 廖森貴


文獻上甚少提及廠商海外直接投資(Outward Foreign Direct Investments, OFDI)之群聚效果(Cluster Effects)對母國產業出口競爭力的影響。有關這方面認知有限的原因,是因多數OFDI的例子不會像台商上下游產業齊赴中國大陸大量投資並形成群聚現象,以致對台灣在海外市場占有率造成衝擊。 台商於中國大陸累計OFDI高達六成以上,而日、台高科技產業的策略結盟與技術移轉,是全球高科技業界相當成功的典範。本文擷取台灣製造業中「赴中國累計投資比重最高」、「最具出口競爭優勢」以及「產業間垂直整合與相互依存現象最顯著」的IT電子零組件製造業與電腦、電子產品及光學製品製造業,採複迴歸模式,解析1994~2012年台商IT上下游產業在中國大陸之投資對台灣IT產品於日本市場占有率的影響。 研究結果發現台商零組件業赴中國大陸投資帶動台灣零組件在日本市占率的效果(+ 0.569)優於電腦及光學製品業的帶動效果(+ 0.504),顯示台灣零組件業登陸對日商經營之衝擊較深,並加大日商對台高階IT零組件的採購力度。 為強化實證結果之分析與解釋,本研究兼具訪談業者及官員的質性研究,以瞭解台商IT產業經營的實務面意涵與解析政府對高科技IT產業西進投資的政策面意涵。


The clusteringof OFDI on the home export to host market has been so far rarely explored. One of the reasons for a lack of such research may be that there are none in the world like Taiwanese firms which have directed so much of their OFDI to China and have replicated industry clustering effects in China. More than 60% of Taiwan’s accumulative OFDI from 1991 to 2012 was directed to China. The strategic alliances and technology transfer between high-tech companies in Japan and in Taiwan have set successful examples for high-tech industries around the globe. This study examines the effect of the OFDI made by Taiwan’s IT industries in China on the share of Taiwanese IT products in Japan during the time period 1994-2012 by applying multiple regression analysis to the data on Electronic Parts and Components Manufacturing and Computers, Electronic Products and Optical Products Manufacturing – the industries that has largest accumulative OFDI in China, has the greatest export competitiveness advantage, and has the most significant synergy from vertical integration and interdependence. The results indicate a increase in investments in China by Taiwanese electronic parts and components manufacturers caused the market share of the products of this kind to rise by 0.569%, slightly higher than a 0.504% increase caused by a 1% increase in investments in China by Taiwanese computers, electronic products and optical products manufacturers, showing that investments in China by Taiwanese electronic parts and components manufacturers exercised a more significant impact on Japanese enterprises, thereby increasing purchases of Taiwanese high-level IT components. The methodology of this study is to employ both quantitative analysis by using multiple regression and qualitative analysis by conducting in-depth interviews with manufacturers and officials.


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