  • 學位論文


Exploring Mental Models of Product Relevance

指導教授 : 梁曉帆


購物網站呈現了各式各樣的產品給消費者,但產品分類架構往往與消費者的認知不同,因此本研究目的是深入探討購物者對於產品相關性的心智模式,藉此提供購物網站產品分類架構之建議。研究先以UNSPSC產品分類系統及大型知名購物網站之產品分類為基礎篩選70項各類產品,再請受測者利用Max Sorting卡片分類軟體依自己的想法將70項產品分群並對各集群命名,分群結果以Dice相似係數衡量各產品兩兩之間的相關程度,最後透過群集分析法依相關性高低建構產品分類架構,而各集群之名稱以顯著多數的命名為代表。實驗結果發現,在受測者的心智模式中,食品與其他產品之相關性差異最大,自成一群。排除食品之產品後,剩下的產品主要以是否需要用電做區分。需用電之產品又依性質分為電器與3C兩群;不需用電之產品,以生活用品為主,可劃分為室內用與戶外用。而受測者認知的分類架構與大型知名購物網站的分類架構大致相符但有一些差異,如:網站中第一層分類「生活」,包含了「家具」、「交通工具」、「工具」、「休閒娛樂」、「旅行用品」等項目,但受測者都將這些項目獨立列出。若在第一層分類就將其獨立呈現,可能可以讓使用者確切且快速地分辨出想要的產品分類。網站中第一層分類有「3C」、「周邊」、「數位」、「筆電」,但受測者都以「3C」命名,若將這些項目都隸屬於「3C」名稱下,可能可以讓使用者減少瀏覽時間。研究結果可做為購物網站的設計參考,應能讓使用者在搜尋時更有效率且正確地找到自己需要的產品。


The shopping websites display a wide range of products to consumers, but their classifications of products are usually inconsistent with what consumers think those products should be organized. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore customers’ mental models about the relevance of products, so that suggestions can be offered to the design of shopping websites. First, 70 products were selected based on the UNSPSC product classification system and the product classification of a well-known shopping website. Participants were then asked to use Max Sorting, an electronic card sorting tool, to group the products and give each group a name. The relevance of each pair of products was measured by the Dice similarity coefficient. Finally, the products were clustered with their relevance measures through the cluster analysis to establish a cluster hierarchy, and each cluster was named with the name(s) given by the significant majority of participants. Results showed that the product group named “food” was first branched off from other products in the hierarchy. The rest of products were further divided into two groups according to whether the products need electricity or not. “Home appliances” and “3C” were the two major groups for the products which need electricity, whereas “necessities of life” were the name for the products which do not need electricity, and were further separated into for indoor use and for outdoor use. Some differences were found between participants’ mental model about the product relevance and the product classification of the well-known shopping website. For example, in the website, categories of “furniture,” “transportation,” “tool,” “entertainment,” and “travel items” were all under the category of “necessities of life.” It is suggested to remove this umbrella category so that users can find what they want in a more efficient manner since these mentioned categories were also identified by the participants. “3C,” “peripheral,” “digital,” and “notebook computer” were displayed on the first layer of the website, but participants just grouped them together and named“3C.” For the consistency in participants’ mental model, replacing those category names with the “3C” is suggested. The findings of this study can serve as a reference for the design of shopping websites to let users search and find what they want more efficiently and accurately.


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