  • 學位論文


A study on the proportional design of automotive exterior side view

指導教授 : 李來春


本文分析了汽車外裝造形設計的專業領域特點,讓初學汽車外裝造形的設計者,能更有效率的學習汽車外裝造形的整車比例(Car Styling Proportion),且能夠活化這些設計比例,並以此為基礎發展出更加成熟的造形或延伸更多設計原理的產出,為本研究目的。 本研究利用專家訪談法來訪談台灣車廠中具有國內外造形設計工作經驗的總監與設計主管共三人,將具有造形相關的設計比例彙整出來,並瞭解如何運用這些手法控制調整汽車造形的設計主題使初步的草稿構圖能逐步合理化,並透過實驗法(一)的兩族群設計背景與非設計背景各20人,再驗證有經過設計比例調整的圖面是越成熟的造形,反之則無。實驗(二)的兩族群設計與非設計各25人,分析兩族群對於各項視覺比例偏好的差異,並利用ANOVA分析每一項視覺比例的重要性,得知重要性程度的排序差異以作為實務設計參考。 以汽車外裝實務工作的經驗為本研究的基礎,針對初期造形設計的整車比例作深入的分析,並加以條列化讓資深設計師的思考邏輯、順序呈現出來。後續實驗結果分析後發現:1.側視造形比例的調整將使的整體的造形是更加完整; 2.設計與非設計族群的差異,在於造形細節的認知上設計族群較高; 3.兩族群對於側視輪廓的變化都很敏感。最後期望此研究能幫助初學設計師在發展新車型時更快速掌握到造形元素的控制方式及原則,以便未來帶給消費者既不突兀又能超乎期待的造型視覺感受。


The proportion and stance is the foundation of excellent automotive design, but due to its complexity, it’s often under looked and hence understood by young designers. This research investigates the uniqueness of Car Styling Proportion in Automotive design, seeking to assist young designers on the understanding of vehicle design. To further extend from these principles, and achieve a mature design or further design analogies.   Through interviewing the professional automotive design leaders in Taiwan’s OBM studio, side proportion principles on automotive design was established relation to the degree of design maturity. The analysis was cross-examined through conducting questionnaire on two groups (designer and non-designer). The first survey consists a total of 40 participants, aiming to identify the participants’ preferences on the overall side proportion. Following from the initial come, the second questionnaire survey was conducted on a total of 50 participants on both groups. The data was further analyzed in ANOVA to identify the visual preference priorities amongst the rules established earlier. This analysis on automotive exterior proportions was based on the author’s professional experience and knowledge as an automotive designer. Through the cross examination process, three major outcomes were identified: 1. Side styling proportion adjustments will dramatically increase the overall design maturity. 2. Compare between the designer and non-designer participant groups, designers are more sensitive to details. 3. Both participant groups shown high level of sensitivity to the side view proportion variations. The outcome seeks to assist young automotive designers to understand and adopt the Car Styling Proportion principles, and further create innovative design breakthroughs to visually impress the consumer groups.


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