  • 學位論文


Transformation to Success for Enterprises under Crisis--A Case Study of H Company.

指導教授 : 邱垂昱


一個傳統企業要在環境轉變的當時做出正確的策略規劃外,執行策略的成功性與否相對非常重要的一環;因應全球經濟變化,傳統產業面臨的是削價競爭,雖然生產製造工廠設置在中國大陸,以低價勞工與遼闊的土地大量供應下,但近年來的工資持續高漲人力需求困難的情況下,如何運用現有資源做產品類別轉型及垂直整合並將此概念推廣與實現,是企業未來成長方向的動能之一,台灣企業在全球化的過程中都避免不了也需要面臨如此的洗禮與考驗。 本研究個案即藉由H公司過去成長歷程、現況分析,透過五力分析及SWOT分析,再加上業界資深主管之訪談資訊,彙總出企業成功的核心競爭能力,並深入探討企業面臨訂單縮減、毛利率持續下降甚至虧損赤字出現,一度連員工薪資都發不出來的窘境、競爭者遽增技術急起直追之雙重壓力下,面對此問題來臨時,經營者所做出的轉移生產基地至大陸的決策,並積極轉型除增加不同產品類型新客戶外,還有一系列垂直整合動作,包含模具自行研發自製、產品組裝自動化導入、甚至後加工噴漆組裝成半成品,如此一條龍服務可節省客戶人力成本,及來回運輸費用,讓客戶需求可以一次滿足,贏得客戶的喜愛,獲利數字逐步翻揚毛利率回升,故於2010年回台登錄興櫃掛牌;兩年後於2012年10月正式上櫃成功。 經營者也就是藉由這樣的訊息收集與深入的討論,可以發現正確的未來發展方向,除了跟競爭者創造出差異外,亦可以有效率的達成獲利提升的目的,成為一個成功的企業轉型模式作為未來的參考。


A traditional enterprise shall make correct strategic scheme, as well as whether the success of strategy implement or not plays a crucial role at the time of environmental conversion. In correspondence with global economical change, traditional industries are facing price war, although the factory of production and manufacture located in China, which relies on the considerable provision of low-price labor and spacious land. Nevertheless, as the difficult circumstance of manpower demand by the successive upsurge of wage in recent years, the matters how to apply current resources to make transformation of product classification and vertical integration as well as to promote and realize the foregoing conception is one of dynamic energy of growth direction for enterprises. Taiwanese enterprises cannot avoid going through this kind of upheaval and trial. The study summarized the capacity of core competition for successful enterprise by means of the growth career of H company in the past, analysis of current status as well as 5 force analysis, SWOT analysis and interview information collected from the senior superintendents in the industry. Further, it explored thoroughly the strategy that executives made the decision to transfer production base to China when they were facing order contraction, successive decline of gross profit margin and even deficit and loss incurred. Besides, there was once it encountered the dual pressures of the plight of paying employee salary and dramatic technique promotion of competitors. It aggressively made transformation by increasing various clients of different kinds of products as well as a series of activities of vertical integration, including self-research and development on tooling, automation implement of product assembly and fabricating to semi-finished goods by painting process. Such consistent production service contributed to cost reduction of manpower as well as two-way transportation expenses for clients, which satisfied the demands of clients at a time and greatly supported by clients, eventually gross profit margin gradually raised again, which manifested the outstanding performance effect attained. Consequently, the company registered to issue emerging stock and go public in January 2010 in Taiwan, and then it applied for listed company actively. Two years later, it officially became a listed company in October 2012. Enterprise executives can discover a right prospective direction of development by means of foregoing information collection and thorough discussion, for instance, vertical integration of supply chain, research and development of automation, informationization of technical information. In addition to the differentiation that companies created away from competitors, it can also achieve the goal of profit promotion with efficiency. As a result, it can conclude a successful transformation mode of for enterprises as a reference for the future.


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