  • 學位論文


Design and development modeling for compact internal cutting cups machine

指導教授 : 王金樹


一般之塑膠模製杯機皆是先以熱壓抽氣成型製成杯子後再送至裁切機做裁切的動作,機台的體積相對的比較大,製作過程也較久一點;為了能使杯子更有效率的製作出來,我們希望在模型槽內部,在經過熱壓成型形成杯子後能同時做裁切的動作,要達成這個動作需要藉由可以做變化加速度的凸輪來完成。因此本文之設計重點在於可變化加速度的凸輪,在最少輸入動力的情況下可以完成模子內部裁切的目的。   本論文主要是利用機構設計中的向量迴路法加上所選定的凸輪路徑,再配合運動學中的位置分析來找出凸輪的輪廓,並以牛頓第二運動定律來找出各桿件之內應力,並且將整個機台作模組化的動作,改變任一桿件長度可得到不同的凸輪輪廓,且依其設計模具的軌跡、速度運動,如此一來不僅可以減少在電腦設計部分的改圖、量測的時間,還能讓使用者可以依照個人需求來選擇機台大小的變化。最後我們將設計好的機台創新變形,讓機台變得更多元性,不同的變形有不同的運動方式。整個設計流程讓機台製作系統化、機台設計完整化、機台的使用多元化。


凸輪 模內切 凸輪曲線 機構設計


In general, a plastic cup runs hot press exhaust molding with plastic molded cup machines prior to cutting with a cutting machine. Consequently, the process is relatively long and volume of the whole system is relatively large. To be more efficient, the improved process combines hot press and cutting into a single machine which can be done by varying acceleration with time. In this thesis, we propose a design of an accelerating cam to accomplish cutting inside the mold with minimum power consumption. The profile of the cams is determined with a selected cam curve and position analysis. It is calculated by the vector loop from mechanical design. Newton's law is then applied to find out the internal stress of each bar. When the machine is modularized, giving different bar length can have corresponding cam profile without affecting mold movement. As a result, the machine is highly customizable for variant user needs. It speeds up the diagram modification and simulation in computer design In addition, we innovate a machine transformation which gives it diverse motion. In conclusion, our design process supports the systematic machine production, the integrated machine design, the diversified use of the machine.


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