  • 學位論文


A Study on the Collective Farm-Housing Policy in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


農業發展條例之立法精神為確保農業永續發展,因應農業國際化及自由化,促進農地合理利用,調整農業產業結構,穩定農業產銷,增進農民所得及福利,提高農民生活水準。2000年農業發展條例修正,無自用農舍而需興建之農民,在不影響農業生產環境及農村發展的前提下,得以集村方式或在自有農業用地興建農舍。 相較於個別農舍零星散布田間,以致優良農地呈現穿孔或破碎現象;集村農舍有集中規劃興建、有效配置公共設施、改善農民居住環境、型塑具地方特色之農村景觀、維護農業生產環境之完整,及確保農地資源永續利用等多項優勢。惟實際執行上農舍興建與農業經營不可分離之審查機制不足,未能落實不影響農業生產環境及農村發展;且未能持續監督農舍後續使用情形,造成田間遍布附有田園造景或休閒設施農舍之景象;有違農業發展條例立法意旨,相關法令顯有檢討之必要。 因此,本研究以農舍為研究對象,蒐集有關文獻,針對農業用地興建農舍辦法相關法令進行探討分析,經研究整理出:1.申請興建農舍之農民應確實從事農業生產;2.鼓勵節能減碳與環境友善的農舍生態建築;3.集村農舍之補助應考量與農業經營使用相關,以作為相關法令修改之參考;並認為應:1.以上位計畫引導開發許可,結合原有農村整體規劃;2.落實農地使用查核機制;3.強化中央跨部會與地方之協調聯繫與執行分工;並建議正視都會人回歸鄉村農耕生活之需求,積極輔導農業經營生產,推動以集村方式興建農舍。


農地政策 農舍 集村農舍


The legislative purpose of Agricultural Development Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) is enacted to ensure the sustainable developments of agriculture, to address agricultural globalization and liberalization, to promote reasonable utilization of farmlands, to adjust the structures of agricultural enterprises, to stabilize the sale of agricultural production, to advance the income and welfare of farmers and to promote the living standards of farmers. The amended Act in 2000 regulates the farmers without self-owned farmhouses are permitted to build the farmhouses in form of collective farmhouses under the condition of no effect to the agricultural product environment and development. Unlike individual farmhouse located in the un-planned farmland which may cause damage to farmland, the collective farmhouse is well-planned. The merits of collective farmhouse including efficient public utilities, improving living standard, creating the local characteristic, maintaining the integrity of agriculture production, and ascertain the ever lasting development of farmland resources. Asymmetrical views or facilities to farmhouses on farmland are often the result of in-sufficiency of continuous monitoring the usage of farmhouses. This is against the legislative purpose of the Act and reveals the necessity to review the related regulations. The study is focused on the usage of farmhouses. Collect related documents to analyze the farmhouses on the farmlands. We come to the conclusions as: 1. Applicant for building farmhouses should be real farmers.2. Encourage farmers to build environmental friendly and energy efficient farmhouses to reduce carbon. 3. The subsidization to the building of collective farmhouses must be restricted to operation of farm production. We also believe: 1. The supervising office should provide guidance for the plan and development of farmland. 2. Carry out detail verification of farmland usage. 3. Strengthen the communication between inter-departments and local government. We suggest the government to notice the necessity of people in metropolis come back to farmhouses and to assist the operation of farm production in order to promote the building of collective farmhouses.


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