  • 學位論文


To Design Greening Wall System of Western Facade at College of Design in National Taipei University of Technology

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


建築物立面設計採壁面綠化可有效降低室內溫度,並且達至都市綠美化之功效。目前壁面綠化可分為直接附著於牆面及脫離牆面施作兩種方式;後者隔熱效能優於前者。臺北科技大學設計學院大樓與材資館之間繼捷運雙線完工之後,已成為學校主要人行出入口,大樓西向立面隨之成為面對都市的主要面向,本設計論文將配合臺北科技大學原有沿新生南路之綠牆延伸至設計學院,並採用脫離牆面施作方式為主設計。 本設計論文擬以「誘導式結構」為操作方法,「臺北科技大學設計學院大樓西向立面」為操作對象,藉由生態景觀及視覺感知等相關議題,推導出臺北科技大學設計學院大樓西向壁面綠化設計概念(目標情境)。再藉由國內外壁面綠化技術及相關案例之分析,探討植物物種,最終直接落實於臺北科技大學設計學院大樓西向立面設計。 經由文獻探討並配合基地現況條件分析歸納出二十五項歸結,推論出六項設計概念:一、連接校園生態的空間樞紐;二、立竿見影的綠色衝擊;三、蘊育生態的地景藝術;四、都會與生態的人文門戶;五、永續生命的四季消長;六、參與生態路徑的教育初章。由以上六項推論推導出兩項空間情境「聳立街頭的自然裝置」、「都會中的生態苗想」,並定義「都心生態感染意樹(藝術)」為本設計論文之設計概念,最終將情境轉化為空間規劃設計策略。


Green walling can reduce indoor temperature effectively, and city beautified in green.There are two ways of constructing green wall, direct contact to the wall and offset from the wall; which result the indirect contact to the wall allow relatively excellence in cooling building wall. However, the western facade will become the primary entrance for students from National Taipei University of Technology, School of Design and an establishment of Green walling facing to City. The major purpose of the thesis study is to discuss the National Taipei University of Technology at Xin-Sheng South Road Wall Greening to Design Hall,and Wall Greening adopting offset cooling structural device. The Design thesis will adopt「Heuristic Structure」 to study,「National Taipei University of Technology School of Design (western facade) as a study target,The thesis study illustrated with Greening Wall relevant topics、Discussion and analysis of international Greening Wall technology and relevant cases,the result will derive out primary design concept and will apply to National Taipei University of Technology ,School of Design as a demonstration of Green Walling system. After literature review and analysis of the base’s current condition, we induced twenty five conclusions and six design concepts: 1. The key position that links campus ecology; 2. Green impact that gains instant results; 3. Landscape art that nurtures ecology; 4. Gateway to the humanities of cities and ecology; 5. The coming and going of four seasons that sustains life; 6. The first chapter of education – Taking part in ecological paths. From the six design concepts we derived two spatial scenarios “Natural devices that stand in our streets” and “Sprouting ecological thoughts in our cities”, and defined “Art to affect the ecology of our urban core” as the design concept of this study. In the end, we transform the scenarios into the spatial planning strategies of this design plan.


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