  • 學位論文


The Research and Development of Fuzzy PID Embedded Controller for Flooded VSD Chiller

指導教授 : 李魁鵬


本研究針對PLC連結之變頻冰水主機PID控制器進行研究,根據設定冰水目標溫度與冰水出水溫度之曲線變化,研究如何能以最快速準確與穩定到達目標溫度,以及控制器最佳設定值使系統性能最佳化。此外本研究應用模糊控制理論對PID控制器進行調變,改善冰水出水溫度曲線暫態響應與安定時間,其中受控體參數以多組實驗曲線分析軟體驗證獲得。 本文應用模糊理論至Linux嵌入式系統來呈現控制器參數的調變與最佳PID值,所以除了能兼具監控分析來提升效率外,在透過嵌入系統程式來實現自行調控PID控制器參數,使冰水出水溫度不僅快速準確穩定地到達目標值,系統又可以同時記錄數據並分析驗證調變的功能性,縮短暫態響應時間達到穩態冰水目標值進而節省時間與能源消耗,提升運轉效率與省去技術人員現場調控PID的狀況,且其具有調變的功能性,可進而取代控制器最佳PID值。


This research aimed at optimum control of flooded VSD chiller in oredr to fas and precisely control the leaving chilled water temperature of VSD chiller through the fuzzy PID embedded controller. The fuzzy control theory is applied on the PID controller to adjust the control parameters in order to improve the transient response and to short the time for the system reaching to stability. There were many experiments to obtain the performance curves of VSD chiller for optimum control parameters studying and verification. The fuzzy theory was applied on the Linux embedded control system to adjust the PID parameters online when VSD chiller running. The results showed it could fast and precisely control the leaving chilled water temperature of VSD chiller. Moreover, through the data logging function of the embedded control system, it was easy to analysis, compute the optimum parameter and verify the control performance that resulted in energy saving and time saving of PID tuning.


PID Fuzzy control Embedded systems VSD Chiller


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