  • 學位論文


The Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process to Construct Military Leaders Charisma Indexes in the ROC Army Forces – Taking Military Officers of Staff Divisions Ranking from Colonel to General as an Example

指導教授 : 邱垂昱


不用命令而用向心力帶動人心」、「振臂一揮,應者云集」均是領導的最高境界。21世紀的領導愈來愈強調領導者的特質,當面對一個快速變動的環境時,特別需要一位魅力領導者。但是,什麼樣關鍵的魅力特質,能讓一個人成為卓越的軍事領導者?又應具有何種魅力特質的領導者,在目前激烈競爭且快速變革的環境中能夠走向成功?是故研究及分析國軍幕僚領導幹部領導魅力指標,培養魅力特質,展現獨特的領導魅力,建立有特色的領導風格,提升國軍幹部的領導效能,是本文所探討的重要議題。 本研究旨在探討透過德爾菲法與層級分析法來建構國軍幹部魅力領導指標,並且針對分析後的結果,提出建議與未來研究方向。更期望本研究的貢獻能做為國軍幕僚單位領導幹部未來在追求高效能領導重要指標的評量依據。 經過本研究架構實證分析後得到下列幾點結論: 一、 本研究經整理後,建構出3個層級架構。第1層級為目標層級:「應用層級分析法(AHP) 建構國軍幹部領導魅力指標」。 二、 在本研究的第2層級指標中,以「人格特質」指標項目最為重要。 三、 將本研究的第3層級指標項目下各指標權重排序計算後,建構出「國軍幹部領導魅力指標」權重排序表。 四、參考本研究建構之第3層級指標及權重架構,設計一套「國軍幹部領導魅力指標衡量查核表」,以做為國軍領導幹部衡量領導效能之重要參考。


The vision of highest leadership is to guide the people with mind instead of command. Once the leader moves, the people will follow him tightly. In the twenty-first century, it is a trend to emphasize the charisma of a leader. Facing the rapid changes in environment, the leader needs more influences power to the public. What are the key personal qualities to become a great military leader to leading the community in a constant changing and competive world? The major goal of this research is to analyze and define what the charisma of military leader is, then to search for the proper approach to cultivate this sort of leadership style. The study explores to build up charisma index for military cadres and to use the Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analyzing the results. It also proposes some suggestions and improvements for measuring and assessing the military leadership. The charisma index from the study may contribute as a reference to stimulate the highly effective leadership in military community. The framework of the study is organised into a three-level hierarchical structure which supports the entire research process. The general description of this framework is as following: 1. The first level is to apply AHP building up the charisma index for military learder. 2. The second level of research indicates that personal quality is the most significant factor. 3. The third level of research is to calculate and sort the weighted value for constructing a chrisma index table. 4. Based on the third level research, the study generates a set of charisma index assessment list as a reference for evaluating the effective leadership in military cadres.


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