  • 學位論文


Research on Collection Strategies of Unsecured Loans for Foreign Banks

指導教授 : 林淑玲


自從政府大力推動金融改革以及金融國際化、自由化之後,於民國80年開放設立新銀行。各家銀行開始大量發行信用卡,然而消費者開始養成使用信用卡取代現金的消費習慣後,導致個人信用過度擴張,只繳足最低應繳金額及產生利息,或甚至無力還款,於是銀行開始產生了逾期放款。逾期放款的回收成果,取決於催收部門的回收成效,更決定了該銀行的放款業務可否繼續進行的重要指標。本研究以消費金融無擔保逾期放款之催收策略,針對不同的逾期階段擬定不同的催收技巧,且透過訪談三家外商銀行以及一家本國銀行的催收部部門主管依組織策略、實務策略以及委外催收策略,建構出較適切之催收模式。 一、 在組織的規劃過程中,應以功能別來規劃,可區分為電話催收、法務催收、呆帳催收、不良債權委外催收管理、債務協商、教育訓練、催收品質控管、催收策略、資料分析以及文書作業支援等十大功能別。 二、 催收實務上應依不同的逾期階段訂定不同的策略,依前段、中段、後段以及呆帳各逾期階段訂定不同之生產力以及主要績效衡量標準。 三、 委外公司主要管理辦法應設計一套評分表來衡量委外催收公司的表現,可依照績效70%、客訴案件量15%、內部稽核15%來訂定。


The government motivated the financial reform and financial globalization and liberalization and then permitted the establishment of new bank in 1991. As a result, the banks issued a lot of credit cards to customers in order to extent their business and the customers used credit cards to expend instead of using cash even if they couldn't afford it. Therefore the customer started to pay the minimum payment and interest and some of them could not even pay the minimum payment. The outcome of overdue payment recovery from Collection department is an important indicator for the lending business of a bank to proceed or not. This research is to study the collection strategy of unsecured debt in order to conclude different collection skills and techniques for different stages of overdue debt and through interviews with the department heads of three foreign banks and a national bank to construct the better model of collection. After study and interviews, the collection strategy will be divided into organizational strategy, practical strategy and outsourcing collection strategy to be concluded in this research. 一、 There should be planned by 10 functional programs in the planning process of organization. They are telephone collection, forensic collection, bad debt collection, bad debt collection of outsourcing management company, debt negotiation, training, quality control, collection, collection strategies, data analysis and clerical support functions. 二、 The different strategies should be set up by different overdue debt stages on collection business and the different productive and key performance measurements should also be set up by front-end, middle-range, and hard-core of the overdue debts and bad debt. 三、 Outsourcing company should design a balance score card to measure their performance in the management approach. The weights could be set up in accordance with 70% of performance, 15% of the amount of customer complaints and 15% of internal audit.


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