  • 學位論文


The Moderating Effect of Consumers’ Need for Uniqueness and Product Type on the Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention of Mere Virtual Presence Experience

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞


隨著網路服務的不斷發展,線上社交媒體已成為現代最流行的互動平台,也引發了社交購物的興起,更改變了人們的消費行為模式。因此,本研究以社會衝擊理論(SIT)為基礎,將純虛擬在場經驗─純虛擬在場(MVP)、純虛擬在場產品經驗(MVPE)應用於線上品牌社群,並加入純品牌(pure)網站,探討此三者是否會對消費者之品牌態度與購買意圖造成影響,同時以消費者獨特性需求(高CNFU/低CNFU)及產品類型(搜尋產品/經驗產品)作為干擾變數,共同探討此三者之關係。 研究結果發現,消費者之品牌態度與購買意圖在MVP、MVPE品牌社群與純品牌網站之間存在顯著的差異。此外,低獨特性需求者在面對搜尋產品且處於MVPE品牌社群時,其品牌態度與購買意圖會高於其他兩者;而在經驗產品方面,處於MVP、MVPE品牌社群時,其品牌態度與購買意圖皆無顯著的差異,但效果皆會大於純品牌網站。而高獨特性需求者不論面對何種產品類型,其在三種品牌網站類型所產生之品牌態度與購買意圖皆無顯著差異。


With the development of Internet services, online social media has become the most popular modern interactive platform, also leads the rise of social shopping and change people's consumption behavior mode. Therefore, the main study was to investigate that whether the mere virtual presence experience: Mere Virtual Presence (MVP) and Mere Virtual Presence with Product Experience (MVPE) brand communities and pure brand website would affect consumers’ brand attitude and purchase intention. Besides, using Consumers’ Need for Uniqueness (CNFU) and product type as moderators to discussed the relationship. The results are: low CNFU consumers with search product prefer MVPE brand community. For experience product, MVP and MVPE brand communities have the same preference.


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