  • 學位論文


Analysis of Air Quality Unhealthy Events Related Control Measures Planning- A Case Study On Nantou County

指導教授 : 章裕民


南投縣位於台灣正中央,為中部地區最大縣市也是台灣地區唯一沒有靠海的縣市,由於縣內群山綿延,縣境內主要以農業發展及觀光產業為主,工商業相較鄰進之台中縣市規模較小,相對污染排排放較小,由TEDS6.1 95年污染物排放量來看,本縣懸浮微粒排放量僅佔中部空品區之15%,硫氧化物排放量約佔2%,氮氧化物排放量約佔9%,非甲烷碳氫化合物約佔10%。在空氣品質不良(係指PSI>100)比例方面以95年為例,本縣空氣品質不良比例為5.8%,而台中縣則為2.6%、台中市為1.9%、彰化縣為2.1%,為中部空品區空氣品質不良最高者。因此本研究乃透過空氣品質及氣象資料比對分析,並藉由空氣品質CAMx(Compreh ensive Air Quality Model with eXtensions)模式模擬,來了解南投縣臭氧及懸浮微粒不良之成因,並進一步研擬管制對策。 臭氧方面,空品不良易發生在每年的4~6月及9~11月,就氣象因子對臭氧惡化的影響以輻射量高、風速低較易使污染物擴散不易,造成污染物累積而出現臭氧濃度高值;由風向來看,本縣臭氧濃度升高往往受中部空品區上風處縣市海陸風傳輸,加上本縣山區地形影響污染物往往容易累積進而產生高濃度值之發生。另外由臭氧不良案例模擬結果顯示,本縣境內兩測站受本身縣境內污染源貢獻比例對較低(2%~4%),其中以空品區來看,中部空品區影響最大(約53%~67%),另若就中部空品區四縣市而言,則受彰化縣污染源貢獻比例影響最大(約佔21%~44%),台中縣次之(約佔17%~24%),在點、線、面污染源來看,線源佔有較高之貢獻比例約25%~38%,點源次之約佔有19%~21%之貢獻比例,面源相對較低約佔8%~13%,另北部空品區及雲嘉南空品區污染源排放對本縣測站則有約9%~23%之貢獻比例。 在懸浮微粒方面則以每年1~3月及11~12月較易產生高濃度污染事件,此時因東北季風增強,風速較大,較易產生原生性粒狀物風蝕揚塵現象之發生,加上此段期間為大陸沙塵暴侵襲台灣之好發季節,因此大氣中懸浮微粒濃度相對較高。另就懸浮微粒不良案例模擬結果顯示,本縣受中部空品區污染源影響比例最大約62%~73%,雲嘉南空品區則對本縣竹山測站有一定之貢獻影響(約佔17%~19%),由中部空品區四縣市污染源之貢獻影響比例來看, 南投測站及竹山測站受縣境內本身污染源貢獻分別為21%~33%及29%~41%,而在中部其他縣市貢獻方面,則以台中縣及彰化縣貢獻比例較大約為8%~18%,另在本身污染源對測站懸浮微粒濃度貢獻比例影響分析方面,受點源及面源之貢獻影響最大,其中點源方面最主要來源以砂石業污染排放貢獻為主(在竹山測站貢獻比例達16%~33%),而在面源方面,則以車行揚塵污染排放為主(南投測站為10%~12%、竹山測站為7%~9%)。 綜合顯示,雖縣境內污染源對臭氧貢獻比例不大,但就縣內本身可執行之防制措施來看,若能針對主要貢獻源加強管制(如柴油車及南崗工業區),對部分臭氧不良事件應仍有一定程度之消弭作用,然若需更進一步有效降低臭氧濃度峰值,除針對南投縣之污染防制外,更需配合中部其他縣市或其他空品區防制工作來降低臭氧不良事件發生。懸浮微粒模擬結果顯示砂石業污染排放對竹山測站有相當之貢獻比例,顯示土石加工廠之管制仍應為未來執行之重點,另外降低車行揚塵排放量之影響,針對縣內可能產生道路髒污之來源由源頭進行污染管制及協調四河局加強疏濬工程開採、及運輸行為之管制等。


Nantou county, located at the longitudinally central part of Taiwan, is the largest county in the mid-Taiwan region and the only inland county in Taiwan. Since it is full of mountains, Nantou county is known for its agricultural developments and tourism attractions. Compared to other counties in the mid-Taiwan region, the commercial and industrial developments in Nantou county are rather limited, and thus Nantou county is less polluted than its neighboring counties. According to 2006 TEDS6.1, the emission quantity of PM is only 15%, and for other air pollutants: 2% for oxysulfide, 9% for nitrogen oxide, and 10% for non-methane hydrocarbon in the mid-Taiwan Air Quality Region. However, the poor air quality ratio (PSI>100) indicates that Nantou county has the poorest air quality in the mid-Taiwan Air Quality Region. The poor air quality ratio is 5.8% for Nantou county, 2.6% for Taichung county, 1.9% for Taichung city, and 2.1% for Zhanghua county. Therefore this study is compared to analyzes by the air quality and the meteorological data, and utilized the air quality model CAMx model(Comprehensive Air Quality Model with eXtensions) the pattern simulation, understood that the Nantou County ozone and the suspended particulate matter bad origin, and further draw up the control countermeasure. The ozone aspect, spatial bad easy to occur in every year's April to June and September to November . From the study of meteorological factors, the researcher identified that both high radiation and low wind speeds are the prime reasons that air pollutants in the area do not disperse easily, which leads to high Ozone density. The air direction study indicates that the Ozone density is affected by the sea, land, and air transportation activities taking place in the neighboring windward of the mid-Taiwan Air Quality Region counties, and that the mountain terrain within Nantou county also causes Ozone to be formed. Additionally, the simulated result for Ozone formation also shows that the pollution contribution ratio for the overall Taiwan region from the mid-Taiwan ARQ is 53~67%, and Nantou county has the lowest pollution contribution ratio (2~4%), among other counties, in the mid-Taiwan AQR. Zhanghua county has the highest pollution contribution ratio (21% ~44%), which is immediately followed by Taichung county (17% to 24%). If broken down by the point, line, and area pollution sources, then the line pollution source has the highest pollution contribution ratio (25%~38%), which is followed by point pollution source (19%~21%), and then area pollution source (8%~13%). Also, the northern AQR and Yunlin, Chiayi, and Tainan AQR (YCTAQR) combined contribute 9% ~ 23% pollution to the mid-Taiwan AQR. The PM study indicates that high pollution incidences usually happen in the timeframes from January to March and from November to December. This is because the northeasterly monsoon winds grow stronger and wind speed faster during these periods, which causes the Innate Particulate Fugitive Dust Phenomenon. Also, sandy storms from China frequently visit Taiwan during this period, and thus, density for poor PM is higher. The simulation for poor PM shows the air pollution contribution for Nantou county from the mid-Taiwan AQR is 62% ~ 73%, and the contribution for the mid-Taiwan AQR from the YCTAQR, as observed from the Chushan station, is 17% ~ 19%. The pollution contribution ratios from the four counties in the mid-Taiwan AQR for the Nantou and Chushan stations are 21% ~ 33% and 29% ~ 41%, respectively. If broken down by counties, then the Taichung and Zhanghua counties have higher pollution contribution ratios(8% ~ 18%). Analyzing the contribution mix for PM density at air quality stations, the researcher also identified that both point and area pollution sources have higher pollution contribution ratios. Analyzed further, the point pollution source is mainly from the gravel industry (16%~33% at the Chushan station), and the area pollution source is mainly from road dust kicked up by vehicles driven through. (10%~12% at the Nantou station, and 7%~9% at the Chushan station). According to the above analyses, although the pollution sources in Nantou county do not contribute significantly to Ozone formation, strict regulations on the pollution sources (diesel vehicles and wastes from the Nangang Industrial park) should still reduce the occurrences of Ozone formation incidence. To further lower Ozone density, then the local authority needs to not only enforce stricter pollution prevention measures for Nantou county, but also join forces with neighboring authorities or governments at other AQR to prevent any possible Ozone formation incidences in the future. The PM simulation result indicates that the gravel industry is the main source contributing to air pollution at the Chushan station. Thus, gravel processing factories should be the prime spots for law enforcement attention. Also, the road dust pollution also implies that the local environmental authority can implement strict controlling measures on the pollution source and work with the Fourth River Management Office to regulate in-stream gravel mining operations and related transportation practices.


Ozone Particle air quality unhealthy


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