  • 學位論文


Industry Analysis and Competitive Strategy:A Study of Taiwanese Light-Emitting Diode Manufacturers

指導教授 : 廖森貴


節約能源暨環保意識,因油電雙漲、氣候變遷,及地球暖化,於二十一世紀,同為各國政府及業界所關注。而發光二極體,因耗電量僅為傳統白熾燈泡十分之一,且具五萬小時之壽命,已被廣泛運用於照明場合,並逐漸取代傳統燈泡及日光燈。查台灣發光二極體產業之發展,已踰三十年,規模居世界第一,於2011年之產值更占全球28%。故本研究之目標,乃在分析國內發光二極體產業發展及廠商之競爭策略、探討全球業界之競合關係,及影響國內廠商成功爭取固態照明市場之因素,以擬訂對國內廠商競爭策略及政府施政之建議。 因受限於時間及人力,為利研究進行,特選國內廠商億光電子與光寶科技,兩家發光二極體業界最具規模與績效之公司作為代表案例,以進行分析探討。研究之次級資料,主要取自光電協會、專業期刊,及各公司與政府單位之網站。主要資料,則經由與界業多家廠商主管之面談討論搜集而成。有關產業分析與競爭策略及績效評估之SCP範例、7S架構、五力分析,及五行模式等學術理論,將用於分析次級與主要資料,並加以探討,期能據以作出具體有效之結論。 本研究雖僅選擇兩家指標性公司作為案例代表,然國內廠商實以中小型企業占居多數,故業界整體發展與各廠商之競合策略,已一併考量。研究結論後,特對國內發光二極體業界、中小型企業,及政府有關單位,提出多項建議,以期本研究可對國內廠商競爭力之提升及永續經營之策略擬訂,作出些許貢獻。


In the twenty-first century, energy-saving and eco-friendly awareness have been widely publicized throughout the world because of the energy shortage stemming from overpopulation, the climate change caused by the El Nino phenomenon, and the air pollution that is contributing to global warming. Today’s light-emitting diode (LED) consumes only one-tenth of the power of incandescent lighting and has longevity of 50,000 hours. LED lighting is being extensively utilized, specifically as a solid-state light source, so that it can gradually supersede traditional filament bulbs and fluorescent tubes. The LED industry has been developing for more than three decades in Taiwan and has become a major industry in the country. In fact, the scale of Taiwan’s LED industry was ranked first in the world; it accounted for 28% of the worldwide output value in 2011. The objectives of this project include: (1) Analyzing the development of the Taiwanese LED industry to compare and contrast the similarities and differences in competitive strategies implemented by the representative two case companies and their main competitors; (2) Exploring the existing global competition and co-opetition of LED industry players among Taiwan, Japan, western giants, Korea, and China; (3) Exploring the influential factors that affect the ability of Taiwan’s LED manufacturers to lead in the solid-state lighting market; and, (4) Developing strategic recommendations for the Taiwanese LED industry and the government on the strategic choices and establishing sustainable competitive advantage. In this study, the two largest LED manufacturers in Taiwan-Everlight Electronics and Lite-On Technology-were selected as representative case companies. Secondary data were gathered primarily from Photonic Industry & Technology Development Association (PIDA) and LED professional magazines and newsletters. Primary data were collected through subsequent individual in-depth interviews. The academic theories of the structure-conduct-performance (S-C-P) paradigm, the 7S Framework, the Five Forces Analysis, and the Wu Xing Model were employed together with secondary data and interview findings for further analyses and explorations to determine a concrete research outcome. Although only two case companies were selected as representative of the Taiwanese LED industry, this study considers the rest of Taiwanese players which the majority of them are small- and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) as a whole. This research concludes with strategic recommendations for the Taiwanese LED industry and the government to contribute to strengthening their competitiveness and long-term sustainability.


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〔18〕呂紹旭, 「企業上市熱潮與照明補貼促進中國LED產業發展」,光連, (Leu, S.C., ”The LED Industry Development of China Boosted by IPO and Subsidization,” OPTOLINK), PIDA, No. 99, May, 2012, p. 23-26.
〔21〕郭子菱, 「LED照明維持二位數高成長」, 光連, (Kuo, T.L., ”LED Keep Double-Digit Growth,” OPTOLINK), PIDA, No. 98, March, 2012, p. 42-45.
A. English Literatures
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