  • 學位論文


The study of Diabetic Related Cerebrovascular Diseases (AMI, ANGINA, STROKE)

指導教授 : 趙豫州 王美心


糖尿病的醫師處方行為簡單可區分為下列三種:使用單一口服糖尿病用藥、合併注射胰島素與口服糖尿病用藥以及使用兩種以上口服糖尿病用藥等;三種用藥成本以及治療效果與引發併發症的可行性均有差異。糖尿病係我國第四大致死病因,病患人口逐年增加,不但影響國人健康甚鉅且耗費我國有限健保資源。如何有效研擬一套適合我國糖尿病患的最佳治療模式,實是刻不容緩之課題。 本研究以國家衛生研究院的健保資料基礎,特經過歸人處理擷取五年內曾經發生急性心肌梗塞(Myocarchial Infarction簡稱AMI)、心絞痛症(ANGINA )及中風(STROKE)之糖尿病病人的資料進行分析比較,以評估台灣地區糖尿病病人用藥類別、處方行為對前述併發症之發生率的影響。 透過專業之統計分析軟體(Statisitcal Analysis System (SAS) 8.1)交叉比對分析、,合併回溯性分析以及運用電腦模組處理前述併發症發生結果分析等多重技巧進行找出最適亞洲人之糖尿病用藥物治療模式。


Major prescription behaviors for the diabetes are divided into (a) mono-therapy by oral anti-diabetics, (b) combination therapy including insulin injection and oral anti-diabetics, and (c) combination therapy with more than one oral anti-diabetic without insulin injection. When compared, the three kinds of prescription behavior cause significant discrepancy in medication cost, treatment results, and complications. Since the diabetes has become the fourth death cause in our country, the increasing patient populations are becoming a weighty burden on our health insurance system. To find out the best mode for treating the diabetes would also bring an cost- effective pharmaco-economic perspective to our health insurance system . Data mining of this research is based on the raw data from the National Health Research Institute from 1998 to 2003, by the integration of diabetic patients with complication records of AMI, ANGIN and STROKE. Data are analyzed in details so as to evaluate the prevalence of the above complications caused by the different therapy and prescription behaviors. Statistic Software applied here is the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) 8.1. A retrospective analysis is applied along with the analysis result from computer module process. The outcome is expected to provide the evidence based support to guide a better mode in diabetic care and look forward to a cost-effective prospective.


[1] 行政院衛生署,2004年公告
[3] World Health Organization: Diabetes Mellitus.Report of a WHO Group, World Health Organization, 1985. (Tech. Rep. Ser.no.727).
[3] National Diabetes Data Group(NDDG): Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus and Categories of Glucose Intolerance. Diabetes 1979:28:1039-1057.
[2]World Health Organization: WHO Expert Committee on Diabetes Mellitus: Second Report. Genva, World Health Organization, 1980. (Tech. Rep. Ser. no. 646).


