  • 學位論文


The spatial data exchange of environmental information based on GML

指導教授 : 張哲豪


環境保護在執行工作上需以環境狀況的掌握為基礎,並以合適的環境規劃及管理才能達成資源永續利用及環境品質提昇的目的。從不同的角度來看,環保問題亦為一種空間問題,地理資訊系統即為目前能有效協助做好空間管理之工具。 地理資訊系統(GIS,Geographic Information Systems)經過多年的發展已普遍使用在不同的領域,在空間資料和各類型的應用項目上均大量產生。然而不同軟體所建置之資料經過轉換才得以共享,且經轉換後的資料亦常發生漏失或者錯誤的現象,開放式地理資訊聯盟(OGC,OPEN GIS Consortium)即為解決此一問題,希望不同地理資訊軟體均能採用相同的資料格式,基於共同的協定或標準,得以不經轉檔便能直接使用其他軟體之資料。 本文主要在於了解環境資料之應用情況,以內政部所主導之國土資訊系統為參考依據,並以OGC所制定的重要地理資訊規格,探討如何以這些空間資訊規格來協助環境空間資料之詮釋及流通共享,並對於共通資料格式進行實作及轉換,用以初步了解環境資料在與國際標準接軌之可能及未來發展,以符合資源流通共享的目標。


The environmental status shall be the hard basis of related tasks’ implementation which through proper planning and management to achieve resources sustainable development and life quality upgrade. From another pointview, the environmental task are spatial issues too and GIS is the most power tool to solve the spatial management prophet. GIS has been applied in different professional field after many years development, so great quantity spatial information and different type application have been generated. The information which generated by different software which generated by different software need to be transformed to let it can be shored to others. This transform process always cause a let of loss or misinterpret. The use of OGC will solve the above problem. We hope the different GIS can recognize the same data format make any transformation useless base on the common protocol and standard. The main aims of the paper want to establish the key GIS specification through OGC and this specification with be applied to NGIS as a reference basic. The above mention project can let us can have base to discuss how these new GIS specification can benefit environmental spatial information’s interpretation destitution and sharing.At some time, we hope there afford can help us understand of the possibility and future development these specification can match the international standard’s requirement.


GIS OGC environmental data


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