  • 學位論文


The Implementation of Automatic Pipeline Breakage Detection and Notification System

指導教授 : 陳偉堯


大規模地震災害的發生,常會造成房屋倒塌、道路中斷或是居民受困等災情,隨後的火災也往往因為自來水管網的損害而形成無水可用的窘境,造成更大二次災害的發生。近年來通訊設備與無線感測器的進步,使得我們可利用此新科技偵測與推估自來水管網的損害位置,因此本論文在實驗室中建置一個小型自來水管網的模型進行實驗,模擬地震造成管線破裂的情況,利用無線感測器,將數值傳回電腦運算推估可能的災損點位置。本研究並開發一套「管線災損自動通報整合系統」,其潛在應用是結合無線感測器所偵測的管線破損位置,自動將管線災損地點利用手機簡訊與語音通報其主管相關人員,系統並自動整理出管線災損位置附近可供使用的施工機具進行通報,以便搶修,並將整個管網災損情況即時展示於Google Earth與Google Map上提供決策者做參考。


Cut off roads, collapsed buildings, and trapped residents tend to happen when large earthquakes strike. Pipe damage causes no water for conflagrations, rendering drastic disasters even more desperate. Advancements in communication and sensor technologies make it possible to detect the location of damaged pipelines. To examine this application and its effectiveness, the thesis has built a water delivery network in laboratory, simulated the damages to the network caused by earthquakes, and used wireless sensor network to monitor vibrations of pipes. Computer system is used to calculate the vibration data to identify the location of possible damaged pipes. A comprehensive system is then developed for automatic detection, notification, and display of the location of damaged pipelines, utilizing short message service (SMS) to inform and instruct concerned parties and J2ME program to search and locate rescue resources available near the accident scene. Information collected by the system can be expected to provide valuable and timely references for urgent decision-making by being posted real time on Google Earth and Google Map.


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