  • 學位論文


Application of Is-Limiter for Transmission Systems

指導教授 : 李清吟


近年來,由於分散式電源的加入系統運轉,使得電力系統容量逐漸增加,相對的增加電力系統的短路容量,造成既有之輸電線路及其保護設備之安全及動作受到一定程度之影響,因此,限制電力系統短路故障電流是一個刻不容緩的問題。而故障電流限制器之研究,在諸多的文獻上也都有被提出來探討,但是從故障發生瞬間到故障電流限制器動作需要一些時間,因此造成瞬間之故障電流對輸電線路及配電設備造成某種程度的損壞。 本文提出了利用Is-Limiter解決電力系統短路容量過大之問題,因為Is-Limiter本身具有故障電流限制器及斷路器之功能,可以比一般故障電流限制器更快速啟斷故障電流,希望能夠將故障電流限制在一個額定值內,當瞬間故障電流達到此額定值時能迅速將故障點切離系統,使故障電流將被限制在我們所設定的電流值永遠不會到達瞬間故障電流的最大值。如此可以確保既有之輸電線路及保護設備工作於安全的範圍內,使電力系統運轉安全更有保障。 本文使用Matlab/Simulink建構Is-Limiter,運用於澎湖電力系統作動態模擬,模擬當負載端11.4kV及變電所端69kV發生三相短路故障時匯流排的暫態響應,同時我們也模擬一般斷路器對於啟斷故障電流之暫態響應作一分析比較,我們發現Is-Limiter確實能限制故障電流的最大值,同時可以改善因故障時所產生電壓驟降,藉此更可以得到故障電流限制器之實際經驗及技術,進而應用於整個台灣本島電力系統。


Recently the disperser, as power joins the system operation, made the power system's capacity increase gradually. The relative power system short-circuits capacity increased, which creates the security problem of the transmission line and the protection device, normally with predictable effects. The instantaneous fault current will be able to cause the damage to the transmission line and the switching equipment. This is a highly complex issue. Therefore, the fault current is an urgent issue for the research on fault current limiters. In this investigation, Is-Limiter is proposed to solve the problem of the gradual increase in short-circuit capacity of the power system. Because Is-Limiter itself is provided with a fault current limiter and circuit breaker function, when a limited fault current within a certain value was set up, the instantaneous fault current achieved this certain value, it rapidly cut the breakdown spot from the system. The fault current was never able to achieve the maximum value, and the magnitude of the fault current was as expected. Therefore, the transmission line and the protection device work safely and the power system operation security is efficient. The goal of this investigation is to utilize the Matlab/Simulink to construct the Is-Limiter, work on the power system in Penghu, making a dynamic simulation. When a three-phase short-circuit fault occurred in the power system, to study the voltage transient response difference between using Is-Limiter and using circuit breaker on load side at 11.4kV and the transformer substation side at 69kV respectively, The investigation showed that Is-Limiter truly can limit the fault current from the maximum value and can quickly cut off the fault than the general fault current limiter. Meanwhile, Is-Limiter may improve while a three-phase short-circuit fault caused the voltage to plummet.


[4] Kenji Yasuda, Ataru Ichinose, Akio Kimura, Kuniaki
Shimohata,and Hiroshi Kubota, "Reasearch & Development
of Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in Japan,"
IEEE Transactions on applied Superconductivity, Vol.
15, No. 2, June 2005.
