  • 學位論文


Windows Programming of Binary Batch Distillation Column under Atmospheric Pressure

指導教授 : 林顯聖


批次蒸餾是化學工業中重要且常用的分離程序,主要應用於高價值、低產量之精細化學品製程中。但現有的化工相關書籍對於批次蒸餾的介紹大多停留在理論模式的論述上,實際操作的部分少有著墨。   本研究利用Visual Basic 2010為開發工具,以批次蒸餾塔的質量平衡、能量平衡及相平衡為基礎,建構多個單元之副程式,整合開發出一座適用於各種雙成份進料的常壓批次蒸餾塔視窗程式。本模擬程式期望使用者能夠簡單的輸入欲分離之成份參數、蒸餾塔總板數、塔底加熱量等參數值,進行模擬尋找操作起始點穩態值,並利用起始穩態值數據配合不同的塔頂產物出料操作方式進行模擬,學習批次蒸餾塔之操作程序。   由模擬結果可知,不同的產物出料操作方式,所需注意的操作條件也不一樣,故使用者可透過本研究程式,模擬各種雙成份進料的批次蒸餾,學習不同產物出料方式的操作條件設定。


Batch Distillation is an important process in chemical industry. Batch distillation is often used to produce small amounts of products with high added value. Most of textbooks focus on the steady state. However, the dynamics operation is more important.   The research developed a windows program for binary batch distillation column under atmospheric pressure by Visual Basic 2010. The subprograms for solving the mass balance, energy balance and phase equilibrium equations were constructed firstly. Three strategies for operating the distillate flow rate were applied in the program. By simulation examples, different operation strategies have the different optimal control conditions; the program can apply the capability for user to learn the dynamic operations of batch distillation.


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