  • 學位論文


Finite Element Analysis of Reinforcement Concrete Structures

指導教授 : 尹世洵


台灣由於地震頻繁,常有地震使建築物產生破壞或倒塌的情形,造成人民生命或資產的危害。而現今建築物以鋼筋混凝土結構物最為普遍,若對於鋼筋混凝土結構的受力行為更明瞭,將有助於設計出更耐震的結構。以往對於鋼筋混凝土結構的認識,大多需要透過試驗得之,但試驗需耗費大量人力與物資。故本研究欲使用商業有限元素程式來模擬鋼筋混凝土結構的行為,並與試驗結果比較。 本研究選用有限元素程式軟體(Marc)進行試體的分析,為瞭解Marc應用於鋼筋混凝土結構非線性行為模擬的準確性與可行性,首先針對梁、柱試體進行分析,使用不同的建模方式,將分析結果與文獻作探討,找出一套Marc所需之混凝土參數設定。 最後進行鋼筋混凝土構架內填充磚牆分析,因為此構架為梁與柱的結合應用,使用已建立的參數設定,在軟體中建構出實尺寸結構模型進行非線性側推分析,將數據匯出製作力與位移圖,並與試驗結果比較進行探討,提出結論與建議。


Earthquakes often cause the damage or collapse of buildings, which have led to deaths or property loss. Modern structures made of reinforcement concrete (RC) are very popular. If we could understand more about the behavior of RC structures subject to loading, it will help to design the structures with better seismic capacity. However, it needs much time, money, and human power to learn knowledge regarding the mechanical behavior of RC structures in an experiment way. In this study, the finite element software, Marc, is employed to simulate the experiments of different RC structures in laboratories. The numerical results from finite element analysis are compared with the experiment results. In order to investigate the accuracy and feasibility of the simulation of nonlinear behavior of RC structures using Marc, different types of beam and column models are built and the results of analysis are compared with the results in literatures. This research process can help to find appropriate parameters needed for simulating RC structures. Finally, RC frame structures infilled with brick walls are analyzed. The force-displacement diagrams are generated, which contain the results from Marc, other nonlinear pushover analysis, and experiments. Based on the comparisons, we can provide conclusions and suggestions on modeling the nonlinear behavior of RC structures subject to loading by use of Marc.


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